256 Chapter 255 (1/2)
Before fighting again, Leon decided to do some tests. It looked like Cursed Ray could move a little faster than one hundred meters per second. Although Leon could fly faster than that, react in time to dodge such attack wasn't that easy, unless he uses Haste. However, Darya couldn't use Haste, and her speed was low. So, Leon decided to change strategies a little bit.
”There are too many monsters in this area,” Leon declared. ”I want to make some magic items out of these monsters. We will need to cull their numbers some or we will be in for some nasty surprises.”
”I can see that… so what do you want to do?” Darya asked.
”Let's kill them without putting ourselves at risk,” Leon said. ”As we tried before, neither Telekinesis nor gravity magic are enough to stop them. Those liches probably have a high mentality… so, if we can't stop them using magic that cannot be touched, we will use one that can touch them and more or less ignore their mentality.”
”So, you want to use earth magic and imprison them in one of your 'earth' cells.” Darya frowned.
”That is right. Even though we can cause more or less the same amount of damage using the basic elements, I still have better control and efficiency over them.” Leon explained. ”If I use a thick and heavy layer of earth, their high mentality won't help them. Since their bodies are pretty skinny, they shouldn't enough endurance to resist or strength to escape either. So, I will try to crush them. However, they could always have some tricks up their sleeve. That is why I want you to attack their heads, your accuracy will improve, and even if you don't hit the mark, you will end up drawing their attention.”
”Attack enemies from such a long distance… it will be hard.” Darya frowned.
”It is necessary since we also need to learn the effective range of our spells,” Leon added. ”And we won't be able to learn that, without a decent target.”
”What if I end up killing them?” Darya asked. ”You want to make magic items using their spirits, right?”
”That's not a problem, just focus on improving your accuracy,” Leon said. ”Eventually, you will end up knocking them down, and we will obtain our chance.”
Although that idea was just to avoid the unpleasant surprise that the Cursed Ray could cause, Leon ended up being more careful than ever, due to the fear. It looked like he wasn't as strong mentally as he thought he was...
Leon and Darya moved to one pile of rubble to the other very carefully, and Leon only used his earth to imprison on the liches when he was sure that he wouldn't miss the target. His effective range was also one hundred meters, so Darya wasn't the only one who needed to train her accuracy.