254 Chapter 253 (1/2)
”... What do you think of this?” Leon asked.
”... I think there is a chance that your invasion and my disappearance may have made the guards up above to look for us, and that caused the fight if that is what you are worried about.” Darya answered. ”However, now and then, some survivors down here cause a ruckus in the city, and a few days later, the guards come to hunt them down or to at least cause some problems to make them think twice before doing that again.”
In the end, the chances of Leon have caused that was fifty percent. Regardless, Leon and Darya flew for a while, and they found the signs of many battles. Leon frowned because Darya said the warriors from above only conducted raids every few months. However, it looked like they attacked the warriors more than a few times and in just in a few days.
Fortunately, Leon and Darya soon ran into Anton and his warriors, and it appeared nome of them were injured.
”Hey, long time no see,” Anton said. ”I haven't heard anything about you guys in the past few months. So I thought you had traveled to a far away zone.”
”Is everything alright?” Leon asked.
Based on Anton's and his friends' attitude, it looked like they weren't angry or nervous. As they didn't emit any killing intent and Leon couldn't feel their mana moving suspiciously either. Still, it was a good idea to stay alert just in case. Leon and Darya's Mana Armor leveled up a lot in the last few months, but those guys had pretty good magic weapons created by Leon. Adding to that equation, their superior physical strength... they couldn't be underestimated.
”You look worried, but you can relax,” Anton said. ”As you can imagine, they attacked us because someone invaded the research center. We are aware that you went there, too. Still, they only sent a few recruits just to show to the population above that they are working to keep things peaceful. Thanks to your weapons, the fight was easy and none of us were injured.”
”What about the other villages?” Leon asked. ”What about retaliation? I can see that you defeated them, but won't they send more than a few recruits after confirming that you guys obtained new weapons?”
”Eadmund and I sent some men to help them just in case,” Anton explained. ”But I don't think more than thirty guards would come down here. Even if they send stronger opponents, we will manage. Well, I imagine you returned because you have a goal. We are still indebted to you, so can we help with something?”
Leon looked at Darya, but she just shrugged. If things were alright, then Leon didn't have anything to worry about. So, he asked Anton if he knew where he could find ghost-type monsters that can suck mana from their targets.
”Ghost-type monsters? There is one in the extreme south of the continent.” Anton frowned. ”But I wouldn't recommend going there.”
”Why?” Leon asked.