228 Chapter 227 (1/2)
Although the identification system was near her, the girl didn't use her keycard. Instead, she managed to open a drawer revealing a keyboard and monitor, and then she started to type something at unbelievable speed.
”Mmm… I guess she is some kind of computer nerd. Although her job is organizing the files, she must have some skills to keep the files protected. It looks a single government system exists in this world, but nothing says that the harvesters may use magic or some sort of advanced device to hack their system and destroy their archives…”
”… You were summoned to this world, right?” The girl asked.
”What makes you think that?” Leon asked.
”I heard about you, you appeared out of nowhere and ran away when the guards tried to arrest you.” The girl said. ”If you had the same goal as the harvesters, you wouldn't run away. You would instead kill everyone on sight and destroy the systems that protect the capital.”
”I see… so you guys use some kind of system to keep the harvesters away.” Leon nodded. ”But since you are still at war with them, it looks like the system can't protect this place forever… You are right. I was summoned to this world by a lizard monster. Although the guards of this place tried to kill me, I don't have time to waste on things like revenge. I just want to find some clues to go back home.”
”I see… sorry for causing you trouble.” The girl said and slowed down her typing a little bit.
”Why are you apologizing? You work organizing files. You aren't a guard.” Leon said.
”It is because my grandfather gave the order to kill every invader on sight.” The girl explained. ”My grandmother died when the first traveler came to this world… I don't know if it was an accident or not, but…”
”You should stop there. I don't have time to hear about the sad past of those who tried to kill me.” Leon said. ”Just do your job, and I promise that no one will die today.”
The last thing Leon needed at that moment was that kind of information, he didn't want to waste time-fighting, but if some fights break out in the future, he couldn't let his enemies walk away after defeating them. He wasn't that naïve, and he wouldn't let anyone treat him like pushover two times.
Much to Leon's surprise, the door opened quite fast, and then Leon saw a single room that had the smaller versions of that massive computer. Under every computer, Leon could see some symbols, but couldn't understand them.
”Are these the letters of this world?” Leon frowned since those letters looked even harder to understand than hieroglyphs.
”Yes… by the way, it looks like the access for this room is limited.” The girl explained while she was reading something at the monitor. ”The door will close in thirty seconds and will only be opened after three hours.”
”Shit… then I will have lock myself and won't be able to watch my surroundings.” Leon clicked his tongue.
According to what Leon heard from Eadmund, he would have four hours to invade the research center… half an hour had passed since he began the mission. So, the door or the archives room would open again a few minutes before dawn. He wouldn't have the chance to access that place again, and he couldn't let anyone see him, so he had to escape before dawn.