195 Chapter 194 (1/2)

Now that Leon saw that figure, he was finally sure that something was happening behind the curtains. Possibly, that figure was the one who gave him the Summon Zombie tome, but why? That person just told him that he didn't have time to relax, and yet it gave him a powerful skill that would make everyone become lazy…

”That doesn't make any sense… what the hell is going on?”

If worrying about monsters, aliens, and making allies wasn't enough, now Leon had to consider those weird events. Due to the circumstances, Leon didn't want to believe in that person, but it was obvious that he couldn't relax. He tried to sleep while keeping Mana Dominion and Mana Armor activated, but that person still managed to talk to him in his mind. That meant that Mana Armor couldn't protect Leon from mental attacks.

”Tch… I can never catch a breath.”

It looked like Leon was destined never to have a day off ever again… Regardless, he had to return home to calm his friends down. Leon acted without thinking, but thanks to that, he found that figure. However, now he had to explain his behavior to them. Fortunately, when he returned, Amanda hadn't returned, so he had time to explain that before his little sister could worry about him.

”What was that, Leon?” Betty frowned. ”You acted like you had found your arch-enemy or something.”

”Sorry, I thought I had seen a monster that I had eaten on the island.” Leon forced a smile. ”The meat was very good, but I guess I only dreamt that I had seen the monsters.”

”You acted like that because of food?” Betty frowned again. ”What kind of idiot are you?”

”Well, I can understand the master's feeling,” Gisela said. ”Dragon's heart isn't bad, but eating every day is a little too much.”

”If you are that eager to eat something different, you can always tell that to Sarah or Yuki,” Sasha said. ”They keep contact with many important figures, and most of them want to gain your favor.”

”Nah, I'm fine,” Leon said. ”I just acted like that because I was half-asleep. I guess working underground tired me out more than I imagined… So, I will practice outdoors until dinner. See you later.”