171 Chapter 170 (1/2)

Leon started to think about what Amanda said; in the end, she only wanted to see him happy like she was. However, for several reasons that Leon couldn't tell his little sister, that was the last thing in his mind.

”Sorry, little sister.” Leon smiled. ”But even though you are saying that for my own good, you don't have to worry about that. Back in the day, I fooled around plenty. So, now I have to do my best in order not to regret later.”

”Hah… all right.” Amanda sighed. ”Just try not to overwork yourself to death. You can't try to carry the world over your shoulders, brother.”

Leon smiled as he watched his sister leaving. In the end, Leon couldn't bring himself to enter a relationship with one of those four. They were just friends, nothing more. Perhaps if the holy sword weren't sealed, his thoughts would be different, but as of the moment, he wanted to work hard to avoid other failures.

”Despite surviving those four years on that island, I'm still weak-minded. If something were to happen with my friends, I would go mad and do something stupid like I did in Moscow. Challenging thousands of survivors directly and even going to the point of showing myself to the enemy when I could have destroyed him without even stepping on that city…”

Now that Leon could count on the survivors of Europe, Japan, and eventually the Caribbean Fighters, there was no need for him to do something so crazy like before. But considering the last years, Leon knew that the future was uncertain, and it was better to be safe than sorry. He only thing he could do to avoid worrying about the future endlessly was to train his magic like a madman.

After two weeks of harsh training, Leon finally completed the second stage of his plan to regenerate his limbs and Gisela's eyes. As he had expected, just healing several wounds wasn't enough; he had to heal wounds all over his body to learn that skill.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Regeneration.

Cost: 1 mana per second

Restores: 1 health per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Much to Leon's surprise, the skill he learned was an active skill and consumed his mana while the skill of the gloves was a passive one and didn't consume his mana. The logic behind was hard to understand, but now Leon didn't need the gloves all that much, and he gave them to Amanda in order to increase her chances of survival in case something happens. There was no point in taking the shield of dawn from Hector, so Leon didn't ask for it. Although he only left on his back, Hector said that protected him many times from stray shots.

”Well, I guess now I need to train Regeneration a little bit… Unfortunately, I didn't obtain any clue as to how to regenerate my limbs while I practiced it…”

In the end, Leon had to learn things the hard way... by trial and error. Just when Leon was thinking about ways to regenerate his limbs, he received a call from Sarah.