142 Chapter 141 (1/2)
For some odd reason, Makoto little by little started to make noise in the tavern. He said something in a loud tone, and then suddenly, a big bald Russian approached and sat on the table where Leon and Makoto were. The bartender also bought several glasses of beer. Makoto and the Russian guy shook each other's hands.
”I guess this is a contest… what Makoto is planning?”
One at a time, Leon and the big Russian drunk a glass of beer. On the fifteenth glass, the baldie collapsed, while Leon's stomach was slightly full. Things got a bit noisier when Makoto said something, and then the bartender gave a free cup of beer to everyone inside.
”I get it… he was trying to make everyone get drunk and make them speak what he wants. It's a good plan, but I wonder if I will last long enough.”
Leon recalled his days on the island; there were days that he ate a lot to recover the weight he always lost after recovering from big wounds. However, only a few times, he felt full. One of those times was when he ate dozens of kilograms of blue angel leaves.
”I guess now that our bodies can use mana, we use and store energy more efficiently.”
That night, Leon went to the toilet several times, but even after drinking 75 glasses of beer, he didn't feel drunk at all. At that point in time, he was being looked by eyes full of wonder and fear among the drinkers of that bar. Regardless, things got noisy, so Makoto decided to stop there.
Since Makoto paid five rounds of drinks to everyone, all the people inside the bar were looking at him as if they were best buddies. But for some reason, no one tried to talk with Leon. However, that was fine with him; he didn't know Russian anyway. Leon and Makoto only left the tavern at midnight, and Leon wondered how they would find a hotel so late. However, much to his surprise, Makoto had other plans.
”Let's leave the city by the air,” Makoto whispered. ”Seiji and his soldiers stayed here two days ago. We don't have time to waste, and I discovered the route they are using.”
Leon nodded, then they walked toward a dark alley and flew toward the sky until they became almost invisible in the darkness of the night before they headed to North-East. It would be hard for the Russians to see them at night, it was almost impossible, but Leon decided to be cautious and created an ice platform. However, Leon made the platform also to protect them from the satellites. He even disguised the top of the platform by covering with sand to make it look more or less like a rain cloud.
At dawn, Leon destroyed the ice platform and then created an underground shelter for them to rest for a few hours. They were in a hurry, but they also couldn't afford to make any mistakes, and they needed to be well-rested in case they find the group who kidnapped Yuki.
”What did you hear at the tavern?” Leon asked.