139 Chapter 138 (1/2)

Leon had to wait for an entire day before a ninja transported him to outside of Tokyo. Fortunately, he used that time to practice healing skills. That said, he still had a long way ahead of him before he could truly learn the spell.

Much to Leon's surprise, he appeared in the middle of nowhere, and he didn't see the team that would help him, he only saw Makoto.

”Good, keep an eye on things while I'm away,” Makoto said. ”If you fInd any important information, you should only share with the advisors in the meeting room and when all of them are present.”

”Yes, Your Majesty.” The ninja who brought Leon nodded and then disappeared.

”Shall we go?” Makoto asked.

”Wait a minute, Your Majesty.” Leon frowned. ”Where are the other members of the team who will rescue the princess?”

”We are the team,” Makoto said as if it was a matter of fact.

”You can't be serious…” Leon facepalmed.

”You can rest assured, Leon,” Makoto said. ”Although I don't have the means to defeat you, I'm the strongest soldier of my own army. Besides, after Seiji's betrayal, I can't trust anyone who has power. You are powerful, but you obtained the power to reunite with your family, so I can trust you.”

”I'm thankful for having your trust, Your Majesty,” Leon said. ”But still… this is crazy. Do you understand what you are doing? Although I don't have a daughter, I would do some crazy things to protect my sister and niece, but I'm an ordinary person, and you are not. Can't you see that you are putting your country in a bad spot?”

”Don't worry about it, I solved the most pressing matters,” Makoto explained. ”The advisors can deal with the minor issues that will present themselves in the next few days.”

Leon could only sigh, he already knew that Makoto was crazy enough to participate in the mission to rescue his daughter, but not crazy enough to only select two people for the job. Still, Leon was aware that it was a waste of time convincing him, but he still tried for a while. In the end, Leon would have to succeed in the craziest of the missions.

”What is the plan, Your Majesty?” Leon asked.

”First, you will have to call me by my name,” Makoto said. ”Seiji and his soldiers left the castle using a similar skill that my ninjas use. So, we lost them completely; we don't have any idea where they went. Our only option is to look by them by investigating the hard way. I doubt that they already reached Moscow, so we have to look for them before they reach their goal.”

”Can't you use your spies to find them?” Leon asked.

”… All the spies that I used to watch the Russias stopped giving their reports two days ago.” Makoto explained. ”Perhaps they are dead, or perhaps they are working for Seiji.”

Leon felt a headache; in that mission, they truly couldn't wait to be helped by anyone. To make matters worse, Russia was stupidly large, Leon had no idea where to go or what kind of routes Seiji and his lackeys would use.