134 Chapter 133 (1/2)
Leon couldn't help but frown, he wanted to learn a sensory skill, but he ended learning a defensive one. But at least he managed to obtain a spell that wasn't offensive; the first step had been taken.
Leon's muscles were quite sore, so he stretched out only to find Yuki showing a fed-up expression and Betty behind as if she was about to die.
”Did you finally give up?” Yuki asked while frowning. ”I'm tired of seeing you here every day.”
”Can I stop this? I'm tired of meditating…” Betty moaned
It looked like Betty also meditated for three days, as for Ren, he was a busy person, and he didn't have the nerve to stay like that for three days in Makoto's home.
”We are done here; I believe I completed the first step,” Leon said.
”Yeah, right…” Yuki smirked.
”See for yourself.” Leon activated Mana Armor.
When Yuki felt the layer of mana around Leon, she couldn't help but frown. Although the result was a bit different, he could use that to feel mana to some extent. However, to reach her level, he would have to make that layer of mana less dense but bigger.
”Is it finally time to go home?” Betty asked.
”Yes, we solved most of our problems,” Leon answered. ”So, it's time for us to train as much as we can before the next problem arises.”
It looked like Magic Armor could absorb physical and magic damage, at the cost of Leon's mana, he wouldn't suffer any wound even if a grenade explodes under his feet. It was very interesting, but it was still inefficient. Besides, if he wanted, he couldn't protect his allies with that skill. The mana shield was possible the long-ranged version of that skill, and Leon was quite certain he would learn it while he tries to expand that layer to feel other people's mana. Just when Leon was about to leave, he heard Yuki's voice coming from behind.
”Hey… if you manage to learn how to heal wounds, I want you to teach me.” Yuki said as if it was a matter of fact. ”You observed me learn that, so I have the right.”
”I don't know if you have the right or anything, but… sure.” Leon said.
It wouldn't be simple to teach something that he didn't even learn, but by doing so, he would make Makoto owe him a few favors. Although Leon could do a lot of things by himself, support from allies would save him a lot of time.
Although Leon was hungry and thirsty, he decided to buy just a few things and eat along the way, even though it wasn't that pleasant to eat inside a monster's mouth. However, they at least had to say farewell to Makoto. Surprisingly, he was having his breakfast alone and decided to invite them.