109 Chapter 108 (1/2)

”… Little Betty.” Leon said when he recalled the moments he spent with her during high school.

”So, it is really you, Leon,” Betty crossed her arms and showed a displeased expression. ”I thought you died a long time ago.”

The current Betty looked like a veteran soldier of many wars, she didn't have many scars in her body, but Leon could see in her eyes that she had to dirty her hands with blood many times. She was so different from the shy Betty from ten years ago that one could think they were two different people, even though her overall appearance didn't change all that much.

Leon first met Betty on his first year at high-school, she was a shy girl who didn't have many friends and liked to spend her time at school reading comics. In her free time, she stayed at home playing computer, console games, and watching cartoons like Dr*g*n B*ll. Leon just recalled that she always got mad when Leon called them cartoons, she wanted him to call it anime…

”You grew up in the last years, Betty.” Leon smiled. ”Three centimeters, I would say. You didn't get mad when I called you little Betty, either.”

”I see… so you are going to joke around about your captain's height.” Betty smirked. ”It seems you are not afraid to see hell…”

”I guess you didn't grow all that much…” Leon shrugged.

Leon saw a vein throbbing in Betty's forehead. As expected, she still didn't like to be made fun of like that. Little Betty was how her parents called her, and she hated that nickname with passion, Leon always called her like that to tease her.

”… What are you doing here?” Betty sighed to calm down. ”You are from the south; you are not supposed to be here.”

”I could ask you the same thing…” Leon frowned. ”When the monsters appeared… I was returning home after graduating from college. The plane was forced to land in Vancouver, so I had to walk all the way back to Phoenix… only to find our hometown destroyed by a nuclear bomb.”

”I see… believe me; the bomb didn't destroy the city, a horde of dragons did.” Betty recalled her memories of that day. ”The bomb killed dragons and the other monsters… at least a few of them.”

Leon frowned when he heard, it looked like many dragons survived the power of a hydrogen bomb, but considering that many dragons could use fire, it wasn't that surprising… Leon made a mental note of that.

”… Anyway, without a home and my family, I just moved from one survivor's camp to the other.” Leon explained. ”Until I heard that things in New York were going quite well.”

”I see… and while you were traveling, you learned how to manipulate earth.” Betty added. ”Still, to think that you could become this powerful after training and working for two months… perhaps you have the potential to become the strongest mage in the world.”

”That looks like the title that the old you would want,” Leon smirked.