106 Chapter 105 (1/2)

Leon thought he would have a few days to rest, but Sarah visited him the next day early in the morning.

”Good morning, may I come in?” Sarah asked.

”Sure,” Leon said.

Usually, Gisela would be training, but since Leon and herself were sick of eating hot dogs, cakes, and other types of junk food, she decided to make good use of the cooking utensils they bought and used over the last month. Thus, Gisela was making breakfast. That day she was making pancakes since it had been almost a decade since the last time Leon ate that.

”Good morning, Sarah,” Gisela smiled.

”Morning, Gisela, it is good to see that you are still full of life,” Sarah said, showing a tired smile. ” I want to talk more, but... I don't have much time. Leonard, congratulations on completing your first mission so fast. Here is your payment.”

Sarah offered a handshake, and Leon accepted, then he received fifty thousand coins. Ten thousand was supposed to be his salary; the other ten was for the job completed. Leon also expected to obtain more ten for the dust of the skeletons...

”You received a bonus for the information you obtained,” Sarah explained. ”Usually, we would let you rest for a few weeks, but there is to time. The directors want you to participate in a certain mission, you already proved your abilities, and with your new weapon, your presence will be required.”

”Is that why you look so tired?” Leon asked.

”Yes, some important missions will be done over the next few weeks, and I have been doing preparations here and there,” Sarah explained. ”Anyway, about the mission. Ah, before that... you have been promoted again. Your salary doubled, and you can hire more maids, and... what was it again?”

”... You are really tired, aren't you?” Leon frowned.

”Sorry... I didn't sleep last night.” Sarah massaged her eyebrows. ”Well, I will tell you about your new benefits later.”

”Isn't my promotion a bit too soon?” Leon faked his surprise.

”Yes... the directors can see your potential, but they can't imagine that you are on the same level as the other rank S members,” Sarah explained. ”Although you don't have the same amount of raw power as them, you obtained a skill that can be very useful to the next missions... by the way, don't tell the contents of the mission to anyone.”