103 Chapter 102 (1/1)

After seeing Tom's wounded arm, everyone sighed when they understood what soon they would do. It was risky, but in the end, they didn't complain because they were also sick of that dungeon, they had been working there for the past seven months, after all.

”Be careful, master,” Gisela said when Leon left the house.

Leon nodded, even though he showed her a few things that he could, Gisela wasn't fully aware of Leon's skills and probably never found since he wanted to keep a few cards hidden up his sleeve.

”All right, I want this day to be the last day of us working here,” Tom said. ”However, I don't want to see anyone dying to complete the mission. Is that clear? Do your best, but don't kill yourselves.”

Everyone nodded, even though the plan was way too simple, Tom was confident that it would work. Leon showed them that he could keep attacking the grim reaper without a break if he uses only one earth spear, so he would be responsible for attacking the boss as much as possible. Tom and the others would kill the skeletons, and whenever possible, they would attack the grim reaper while they protect Leon at the same time.

Since the team was full and they had a lot of experience fighting skeletons, the battles were quite easy, to the point where no one had to use skills since Leon could always smash at least one skeleton whenever they appear.

After walking for one hour, they reached the end of the dungeon, the crystal, and the boss. The creature was essentially the same as Leon saw in the ghost's dungeon, but this one was bigger and had several purple rings on its fingers.

”Come to think of it... is there a reason why bosses don't leave the dungeons before the dungeons are cleared? Why doesn't this boss just summon hundred of skeletons and make them leave the dungeon at the same time?”

It was hard to be sure, but Leon concluded that the bosses' presence was necessary to cause the dungeon breaks. Maybe they were emitting their mana and making the skeletons appear already in their first evolved form. Either way, it didn't change the fact that they had to kill it in order to avoid the dungeon breaks and because that was their job.

Since the grim reaper could fly, the chances of the beast dodging the attacks of every one were quite high. But since Leon could remotely control his earth spears, that wasn't a problem.

”Remember, don't use your skills on the small fries,” Tom said to everyone.

They had no idea how much punishment the grim reaper could take, so their best option was to focuses their skills on the boss. Eventually, six skeletons appeared coming from the other world. Tom, Leon, and the others retreated a little bit to kill them without letting the boss notice, and after that, they charged to attack it.

Leon had planned to smash the beast against the dungeon walls, but at the moment they entered the boss's field of vision, the creature summoned fifteen skeletons with a swing of its scythe. That caught everyone off-guard since that didn't happen before. However, Tom threw his hammer like a boomerang; Miller shot several energy beams until his face became pale, and Suzan extended the reach of her whip using electricity. With the help of Leon's spear, the boss got hit and was smashed into the dungeon walls. The entire place trembled, but that hadn't been nearly enough to kill the grim reaper. Now Leon would have to face the creature one vs one, while Tom and the others kept the skeletons away.

”Let's see if you can swing that again...”

Before the grim reaper could escape from the hole that the impact created on the wall, Leon made his earth spear smash against the boss's chest again and again. Moving his spear faster than he had previously shown to Tom and the others, they were busy fighting the skeletons, so he decided to make good use of that opportunity. However, even with the improved speed of his attacks, the boss blocked the earth spear with its scythe at some point and tried to recover again.

”No, you don't.”

Leon increased the power behind the spear; no one would be able to notice that suddenly his attack got heavier since that wasn't possible to understand without being in the position of the reaper. So, Leon didn't hold back and pushed the boss against the wall again. Then he had an idea, it wasn't part of Tom's plans, but Leon sent another wave of earth toward the grim reaper and sealed the monster's arms by sticking it against the wall using thick earth rings. The amount of earth being used was the same as the earth spear, so no one got suspicious.

Eventually, Leon would have to fake his tiredness, but he couldn't imagine the battle lasting that long now that the boss couldn't move. Eventually, Tom and others killed all the skeletons and saw what Leon had done and didn't waste time questioning him. Those who didn't have ranged skills threw their weapons to cause damage, and those who still had mana used their skills. Little by little, they saw the cloak of the boss being damaged, and the monster's bones were also cracking.

When everyone was getting excited... it happened. The red glow in the reaper's eyes grew stronger, and in the next second... there was nothing. It took a while for Leon to understand that the dungeon got enveloped by darkness. Leon felt shivers because the reaper also suddenly got strong enough to destroy the earth's rings with brute strength alone.

”Fall back! He freed himself!” Leon shouted.