97 Chapter 96 (1/2)

After the brief introductions, those two returned to their houses. Leon could look at them in amazement in how those guys become powerful. After fighting for weeks alongside Paul and his underlings, he understood that B rank soldiers had the same power of someone like Ren, who was the captain and responsible for protecting a small town. Those guys weren't exactly weaklings, but rank A soldiers must be at least three or four times stronger. However, Leon had no idea how those guys reached that weak with such an attitude.

”Well, that is it for introductions,” Tom said. ”Things around here aren't that complicated, so you will have an easy time learning the things you have to do. After defeating the skeletons, we must collect the dust that was once their bones. So, you should always have a broom and a shovel to get that.”

”Okay…” Leon frowned.

”We only fight during mornings,” Tom added. ”After that, every single one of us stays on guard duty. If a skeleton appears, you smash it. If a monster appears, you alert the others.”

Leon nodded, even though he didn't see many monsters after leaving New York, it was only because he didn't pass any urban zones or at least what was left of those zones. It looked like monsters tend to gather in those zones because the number of places that make for good hideouts was pretty decent.

”With you here, we will be able to decrease the amount of time everyone will watch the dungeon,” Tom explained. ”Unfortunately, you will have to work on the worst turn since you a newcomer.”

”The final hours of the night… I don't mind.” Leon said.

”Ah… eventually, you will mind.” Tom said. ”We usually also take turns in working in that turn… well, you will understand why.”

Leon couldn't understand the meaning behind Tom's words, but since he eventually would see why, he decided not to ask for explanations. Anyway, since Tom had nothing more to say to him, he returned to his temporary home.

”Welcome back, master,” Gisela said. ”Did something happen?”

”No, I'm just curious about something. ”You can continue your training.”

Gisela asked that because Leon entered but didn't close the door, he decided to observe his new teammates in case something happens. Tom was a soldier who focused on brute strength, Leon didn't see him using any skills, but with the brute strength alone, he could smash skeletons with a single strike of his hammer.

”I guess he trained and trains like a madman to obtain that much power… He looks to be a decent guy, but if something happens and I ended up fighting him, maybe I will have trouble if I don't finish him off fast.”