66 Chapter 65 (1/2)
”What if their families or underlings try to get revenge?” Ren asked.
”The fewer fools in the world, the better,” Leon said. ”I will give those who may seek revenge tickets to the same place I will send those who screw with me.”
Ren thought that Leon was more pacifist than that, but considering that he said that he would bring back his compatriots who killed the prince. It wasn't all that strange… it has been a long time since someone defied the emperor's orders, but several individuals were executed after the emperor, and his army retrieved Tokyo. To think that he would see that again after such a long time… Ren already grew used to deaths, but only in the battles against monsters. He couldn't help but feel like the world was causing unnecessary deaths when someone was executed.
When Leon and Ren arrived at the dungeon, they decided to talk about the earth dragons. That being said, Leon already knew a lot of them. The only thing he didn't know was what their bodies could be used for.
”Earth dragons are the weakest typer of dragons, so their scales aren't that resistant,” Ren explained. ”To make things worse, their scales are naturally heavy since earth covers their bodies. A person who uses armor or a shield made of earth dragon scales will certainly become more sturdy, but that person will also become stupidly slow. But, their bones are pretty good, if you have the skills you can make pretty much everything and the effectiveness of those are reliable.”
”Bones, huh…” Leon frowned. ”It must be pretty hard to get those.”
”The work is hard, but it is worth the hassle,” Ren said. ”But you don't have to worry about the time; this will be the last dungeon. You will probably a few days to rest, so we should be able to dismantle the dragons before you depart.”
”I don't intend to rest a single day,” Leon said.” Once I finish my job, I will ask for my reward.”
”… Well, in that case, I will give your money once you return with the men who killed the prince.” Ren said. ”Ah… Although the bones are valuable, dragons' hearts are even more. If you eat them, they can increase your status.”
”I can't imagine that being something tasty or pleasant…” Leon frowned. ”Well, if they really capable of that, I will eat anyway.”
When they arrived at the dungeon, Leon understood why earth dragons were the weakest type of dragons. First of all, they were small. They weren't even ten meters long, and without wings, they didn't look that imposing. However, the boss of that dungeon would be, without a doubt, one hell of a dragon.
Several men and women were working outside the dungeon; some were sharpening their weapons while others were cleaning their wounds and drinking potions. Leon made a mental note that it looked like even potions couldn't prevent a wound from getting infected.
Leon looked in the distance and saw three camps, all of them were dismantling earth dragons, but the number of corpses was quite small. Regardless, Leon and Ren moved to talk to with the manager of the dungeon, and there they found several figures aside from the manager and the imperial soldiers.
Ren bowed to those people and said something; it looked like he was telling them who Leon was and what he was going to do. After that, those men who weren't imperial soldiers stepped forward, they said something, and then they offered a handshake.
”It is a pleasure to meet you, Leon, you look younger than I thought,” A tall man who was carrying a battle-ax said. ”My name is Mafuyu, and His majesty gave the order to my team, and I assist you.”
”Nice to meet ya.” Leon accepted the handshake.