62 Chapter 61 (1/2)
Sixty hours have passed since the time Leon entered the dungeon, so Ren was about to freak out. There were no signs of trolls, which was good, but it was too weird for Leon to stay all that long inside the dungeon. As crazily as it sounds, Ren hoped that Leon would defeat the bosses of that dungeon in a single day… he felt relieved when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the dungeon, but Ren frowned when he saw Leon. He entered the dungeon without anything but returned carry a lot of things.
”You look fine… despite taking so long.” Ren kept showing his confused expression.
”Is that the first thing you say? Here sell this, I expect at least fifty thousand coins for this club.” Leon said. ”I will sleep for a day, so you and the workers have one day to obtain the trolls' blood.”
Although Leon was a mage, he was carrying a lot of heavy looking stuff; Ren could only be surprised watching that. What he didn't know was that Leon was controlling the earth under his sneakers to move… he was just pretending that he was walking. The spears and sword were also covered in ice, created by Leon, and controlled by Leon to decrease the pressure on his back.
Despite the time limit, Ren and the others worked fast since they had more than two days to prepare, everything was ready to store the trolls' blood. When Leon woke up, he saw one of the cargo trucks filled with bottles of blood. Hell really had broken loose in the last four years since several people were walking by the truck seeing that amount of blood and didn't react in any manner.
Looking at that, Leon frowned. He noticed that things worked differently inside and outside the dungeons. Usually, the land would absorb the dead bodies of monsters at an astonishing speed, but that only happens if the person that killed the beast had no more interest in it. Leon had no idea how the land could absorb monsters that fast or how it could judge that he didn't want anything from those bodies, but it was like that.
”Is everything ready?” Leon asked.
”Yeah, if we had more time, we could fill another cargo truck and sell it at Tokyo,” Ren explained. ”But I sold the rights of the remaining blood to the groups that usually hunt in this dungeon for a low price. We collected the big trolls' blood, so it is fine. Well, what was left… we couldn't collect the blood that froze after falling on the ground. Anyway, here is your part of the things I sold.”
Ren offered the handshake to transfer the coins, and Leon accepted, suddenly he received one hundred and fifty thousand coins. It looked like Ren also managed to sell the ice club… Regardless, Leon was yet to find something useful on the magic shop at the entrance of the dungeons and the markets of the cities,
”I'm going to clean the ghosts' dungeon,” Leon said. ”I will wait for you there.”
Ren nodded and started to work again. At that point in time, maybe it was a waste of time, but Leon only began to fly toward the dungeon after making sure that no one was nearby. At least he had to pretend that creating platforms was his only way to fly. Using the dirt under his feet was much more mysterious since no one except him could understand the trick, but it was hard to control since he had to create a thin layer of earth.