57 Chapter 56 (1/2)

Leon decided that he would train for one week in order to learn two ice spells. Although that was a bit greedy considering his learning speed on the island, he already knew the basics of manipulating, strengthening, and creating all the four basic elements. So, he was quite sure that he would learn in time.

”Projectiles in the form of bullets is enough to kill small fries… but now I'm going to face troublesome monsters like trolls and earth dragons, so I have to increase the weapons I can use.”

While Leon was deciding the shape of his new skills, he recalled the things he learned earlier. He didn't know if Ren and other survivors knew, but it looked like by attacking, the crystal would summon monsters all over the other world of a certain level of power. Perhaps only the crystal of the slimes' dungeon could summon several bosses, or perhaps there were some unknown rules… Regardless, before attacking the crystal, he went to the harpies' world and confirmed that only big harpies were around. It was hard to verify since it was a world of mountains, but he was pretty sure there were no ordinary harpies nearby.

There was also the possibility that the crystal was just making weak versions of the harpies; at that point in time, everything was possible. But why the crystal would do something like that? That was an important question. Regardless it worked well for him since he could obtain tons of materials and coins. Although the smell of death was making him sick…

”Against the ghosts, I guess every type of magic attack will work. So, I don't have to worry too much about them. However, Ren said they are pretty much like the trolls of fantasy books we know. Big, sturdy and have a stupid regeneration speed… in that case, I have to attack their hearts and brain at the same time with a sharp object. Freeze Lance is too big, so I have to learn how to create a small but sharp projectile.”

Trolls were ice monsters since their dungeon was also frozen, and it was in extreme North of Japan. So, Leon had to create a new fire spell. By strengthening a small projectile, he managed to create a 'sharp' fire arrow. Due to the fact that he only had to give shape and strengthen it, he learned it after half a day.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Fire Arrow.

You obtained 01 status points.

Mana: 20

The cost of mana was higher than Leon imagined, but considering that he focused on learning a concentrated attack, that didn't surprise all that much.

Every hour, Ren would bring a cart filled with mana potions, to save time, he threw away the bottles and put the liquid inside the cart since Leon said he would absorb the mana with his body not drink it. Every time he saw Leon's progress, he couldn't help but feel astonished, even from far away, he could feel the heat of Leon's new spell. As if that wasn't enough, he started to practice a new one… Ren thought that mages were people who had extremely convenient skills, but only after that, he recognized that a lot of diligence was necessary to become that powerful.