Chapter 1 (1/2)

Chapter 1: A dragon in distress

Author Synopsis: My first ti in the first person perspective

Translator: toomutchayuzu

Editor: Agent Psyx 707

I am the lord of a small fief in the continent of Finanse

This title was a the inheritance my father left behind after he passed away, and the rest were: ten thousand subjects barely supported by a tiny piece of land, an arrade soldiers outfitted by a blacksmith's yard in desperate need of repairs itself, and a territory that had practically zero defensive ability, with our sad excuses for a fort and watch tower

Whenever other lords carain that we stored and the th to resist them

My own solace was the fact that my territory was on the northern tip of the continent, where the sea's bountiful resources kept us froo

That day, Lord Morgan froain plundered ons full I didn't have the courage to face my subjects, so I rode my horse alone to the seashore I listened to the waves, and gazed out towards the far expanse of the sea, wondering what the continent of Icanomics on the other side of the sea was like

The Ican continent was ten tier and more abundant in natural resources than the Finanse continent, and furthermore, it was home not only to humans but to other races as well There were dwarves, mermaids, elves, fairies, demi-Gods, and all sorts of fantastic creatures They were a very rare sight in Finanse, so rare that they were practicallyterritories such as ours

A wandering bard was the one who told er, but I did not believe him when he claimed that these non-hurew older and accompanied my father to the Conference of Northern Lords, did I meet a beautiful elf for the very first ti the truth

The Ican Continent was also the land of the legendary beasts: dragons

I had always been enthralled by stories of them Ansai, the most powerful lord in Finanse, won on

If I had one too, all of my problems would be solved I could protect an and his gang raiding us ever again

As I entertained these foolish thoughts, I suddenly noticed an enor on the coastline that I was so familiar with

+ + +

Every time I went to the beach, I always had my retinue on standby from a distance away because I liked to quietly enjoy the peaceful moments by myself

Noever, I hesitated to go back and call for them

I ainst the likes of Morgan and his ilk, but I still believed that the blood of my ancestors that flowed inside me was filled with an adventurer's spirit This curiosity won over my sense of self-preservation in the end

I cal about froet a closer look

At the very least, this was one thing I could be proud of ― as the lord of the land, my steed Anthony was the finest horse in this small piece of territory

+ + +

With quite soround, Anthony uneasily stopped in his tracks and would not take another step no ed him

Anis than humans are, so I started to question my decision ― my own brother as born two decades afterhappened toblow just like o, after he succu up of his old battle wounds

And yet, I did not turn back I had already gone this far, so I resolved myself to continue forward

I gave Anthony a few cal strokes on his neck, dise object

By the tih to see it clearly, I couldn't help but suck in a breath ―

It was a dragon An honest-to-God, real, live dragon!

+ + +

It had enors that looked like they could cover my territory's fort when unfolded, scales the color of a deep, endless dark blue, a very thick and powerful tail several ht with a bone-chilling shi+ne

Even if he was only lying there, he still had aaura that could make anyone catch their breath

No wonder Anthony did not want to come any closer

However, the dragon was notat all So off His large eyelids were closed shut and if it were not for the faint opening and closing of his nose as he breathed, I would have mistaken him for a corpse

I could not help but inch closer, kneeling on the ground to stroke his neck Even if he was in such a sorry state, this dragon still looked nificent and beautiful in my eyes

He did not respond

As such, I grew braver and continued to pet his scales

However, his neck suddenly quivered slightly and scared me out of my wits I immediately retracted my hand The truth was that I was naturally timid, and the brave and fearless me was just an act I put on whenever I was in front of others

I inched closer and spoke directly to its large head: ”Wait forsome medicine”

There was no response from him

I had no way of knohether he heard what I said, or if he even understood