Chapter 40 - Visitors Again (1/2)

Ch.40 Visitors Again

The first tea party ended successfully,

“Another time please by all means come to my house!!”

With these unanimous words, the ladies returned home in good humour.

At once the feeling of my mentality having completely splintered and fallen was intense so, for tidying up I am allowed to hurriedly retire to my room.

I am in my usual home position of diving into the soft and comfortable couch.

“When did I end up becoming a neat and sweet, madam~?!”

I writhe in embarrassment while I grip a nearby cushion close.

“Well, Mistress. That is not incorrect,” Mimosa watches over me, who is cowering, with a smile.

“How can I have the nerve to participate in parties and the like in high society anymore? I am  too embarrassed! I will return to being a shut-in again like I have until now!”

My face is buried in the cushion, my head (face) is hidden but my bottom is sticking out.

“However it seems that will be difficult,”  Dahlia says to such a me, lowering her eyebrows apologetically. Good gracious, what could be difficult? I lift my face from the cushion and blink several times at Dahlia who is saying strange things.


“Yes. Party and tea party invitations will steadily be delivered more than recently.”



I thought it would be the reverse. In contrast to me who is greatly perplexed Dahlia states the truth with a faint smile.

“It seems Mistress’s status in high society has risen rapidly, since the evening party the other day. Not just because of that awakening of the Duke’s, more than that, it seems that Mistress’s own charms are being very praised……”



Please do not say anymore? Because I will really end up having a out-of-body experience!

I cover my face with a cushion and, cover my ears. Please do not speak of the dark history in front of everybody?!

“There there, Mistress. It is not necessary to participate in all of them.”


Dahlia says with a gentle tone of voice and rubs my back like she is soothing me who is greatly disturbed.

“Yes. Because not all of them will be only invitations from entirely good intentions. In exchange with even just a friendship with Physalis you gain prestige in society so, there are also families who are aiming for that.”

She is speaking with a gentle tone but, the contents of what she is saying are frightening.

Scary! High society is scary! Until now because I was a declining aristocrat, I was completely left out from such a muddy high society so it was quiet. For the super first-class there are super first-class hardships.

Despite being on the couch, I unintentionally slide back and my cheeks twitch.

“Mistress you do not have to be so worried! Because it will be properly dealt with by Lotus and I,”  she says with a dazzling smile to me who is spooked at hearing the behind the scenes of high society. To the side of Dahlia, Mimosa is also vigorously nodding and, is smiling in a similar way.

What will be dealt with how? ……no, I cannot interfere with nice smiling faces of Dahlia and Mimosa. Uh huh. It’s okay. They are extremely reassuring wicked smiling faces!

“……thanks. I will rely on you.”

Aah, I will be protected by everyone!

In the meantime, one of the Duke’s attending maids turns up to notify of the Duke’s return home.

“Excuse me Mistress. The Duke has returned”

“Aah, is it already that time?”

It is not the situation to be struggling with such things as the scary high society and my dark history. Today I had a tea party so as such I am dressed up so I do not have to get changed but, I was idling on the couch so my dress is quite dishevelled. I hurriedly get up from the couch and, I am fixing and grooming the wrinkled dress when,

“Umm~. Still more… there are visitors……”

The maid hesitantly advises with upturned eyes.

“Oh, who is it?” Dahlia asks the maid with her usual stern head-maid face,

“They are the Duke’s coworkers”, The maid returns to her normal serious work face and answers.

“Coworkers… so that means, knights?” I ask the maid while Mimosa fixes my clothing.

“That is right. They are from the special duty division.”

“Oh~! We have to hurry at once. ……thanks, Mimosa. Now, let’s go”