Chapter 37 - Socialising is a Aristocrat’s Job (1/2)
Ch.37 Socialising is a Aristocrat’s Job
Now that it has come to be that the Duke returns to the main building everyday, the number of people welcoming him home has slightly increased and the Master shift has been normalized. These have gradually become ordinary.
“A invitation to a party has come”
The Duke quickly says on returning home, while holding out a white envelope.
Woah, what is this Deja vu?
Thinking this, I accept the envelope while my cheeks cramp, I end up hurriedly turning it over and checking if it is the usual coat of arms!
On the envelope was not the usual coat of arms, it was different. It is still sealed with a famous house’s coat of arms.
The Duke watches my reaction to the wax seal of the coat of arms while smiling and,
“This it is not from the palace. It is a written invitation from the duke house of Argentea,”
he gives a supplementary explanation.
“The duke house of Argentea, is it?”
I look up at the Duke’s face which is higher than mine and blink my eyes several times.
The duke house of Argentea are noted aristocrats next to the Physallis household. They are equal to the Physallis household and compared to a poor noble family like mine they are an existence high above the clouds.
“Yes. I said that I would not insist on you socialising but, please do not refuse this place. We have had a friendship with that house since long ago, also the sons there are my childhood friends”, the Duke slightly lowers his eyebrows and gives me a request.
“Was it like that? Understood.”
If there is such circumstances then not even I cannot refuse. Well I am also not eager though.
Seeing me nod my head back-and-forward, the Duke seems relieved and returns to his usual archaic smile and says,
“That’s good. The evening party is two weeks from now. Aah, your dress has to be newly made!”
Again This Person has made a wasteful utterance!
I lightly open my eyes to the Duke’s wealthy socialite speech. The dresses in the clothing room that I have not yet worn are like a mountain (it is not a expression of exaggeration!) and the dress I wore last time to the evening party I have still only worn once. I think it would be fine if it were remade or something?
“I will make a request to the madame again. What colour should it be this time?”
Contrary to my non-wasteful soul, the Duke is already full of intention to make things new. I am beginning to be deluded by that entrancing, sparkling face. Uh, hey, is it his intention to have matching couple outfits again?! We will appear as a painfully sickly sweet couple so I wish to refuse it with all my energy!
“Nononono, can you please wait ju~~st a minute?”
I hurriedly put the brakes on the Duke who is already ready to talk with the haute couture madame.
“What is it?”
“I do not need it to be made new again. There a heap of new dresses and, there is also the dress that was made last time?”
“You cannot wear such a dress that you have worn once before! Moreover the things in the house are dresses for home wear”, the Duke declares. His eyes that have been smiling silly are stretched as far as possible but, I cry at the gap in values at this declaration of the dresses made with an abundance of all the highest grade fabrics such as silk, chiffon, antique lace and the like, are ‘home wear’.
“Uu~. It would be fine if we remade them though~”
I protest with somewhat watery eyes but,
“You may say you want it remade but, will you tailor it this time? It is a present from me so please accept it without reservations”
I end up being rejected by the Duke whose face has completely changed from being stretched imposingly into a full face smile.
In the end after that,
“He said he will give it so let’s accept it! What kind of design will it be this time?~”
Mimosa rubs her hands together with a ‘I will decorate her with all my power’-somehow predatory-like smile ‘kufufufufu~’,
“It is the Duke’s intention so, Mistress there is nothing to worry about.”
I am soothed by Dahlia who has made ‘now, now calm down’ delicious tea and comforts me.
“Sigh. I will presume on his goodwill.”
Although I say this, I diligently start remaking the dress from last time. Even though I will not be wearing it this time, there will be sometime to wear it, right? and, if I like I can give it to my younger sister. I will not waste it!
And now the night of the evening party.