Chapter 29 - In the Maid’s Conversation (2/2)
I will not run around! I will not do such things that will hurt my side [stitch] like that, am I not saying such things? I look at Dahlia’s face of resignation with upturned eyes.
“Understood. Mimosa, please supervise her”
*sulky*, do you not believe me? Dahlia is exchanging looks with Mimosa and nodding.
“Yes! Certainly!”
In response to Dahlia’s expectations, Mimosa swings her head front-to-back in a big way.
I end up lying down and sleeping for a little while and, when I wake up my stomach-ache has disappeared once and for all. There is still a feeling of inflation but, if it does not hurt it’s not a problem!
“Have you woken up? How is the pain?”
Dahlia, who noticed I have woken up, approaches in order to see the situation in full detail.
“Yes, the pain has completely disappeared. Thanks”
The stiffness from the pain has also disappeared, completely. I am a trifle stiff.
“If you rest for a bit longer I will bring in the medicine. What will you do for lunch?”
This time there is time so, it seems they will prepare the boiled things. It will be like tea so, it will be much easier to drink than the crude medicine, I don’t need to prepare myself for the worst so I am happy.
“I’ll pass on lunch. Instead I wonder if shall I have light meal at afternoon tea time”
Saying this, Dahlia leaves the room in order to give various instructions.
After drinking the medicine I change into the uniform and go out to the garden. Today in order to accelerate digestion let’s go for it and work! I pull out weeds and plant flowers according to Bellis’ instructions. Bellis is the high-end of the hierarchy in the territory of the garden! He will be angry if something unplanned is planted in an unplanned place. I know that if it is done the way of the instructions it will become a garden of wonderful harmony so, I stopped arranging as I please. With things I want to plant to suit myself, I received a trifling space for my personal use so I do it there.
After a little while my stomach has also diminished. Right then Bellis said,
“Soon it is time for break. Mistress and Mimosa shall we go the dining room?”
“That’s right, let’s call it a night for today. If the Duke comes back early it will troublesome”
I get up and, brush off the dirt attached to my knees and skirt. The light meal has probably been prepared in the dining room (of course the servant dining), today I will pass on breaking in the garden.
“Bellis’ share of tea has been prepared on the greenhouse table. Well then Mistress, let us return”
Saying this Mimosa urged me to the main residence.
In the servants dining, it has exactly overlapped with the maids rest time, it is a place where you brew your cup of tea as you please, and have tea cake sweets.
“Mistress, are you okay now?”
“Do not overdo it too much, it would be better to leave the work for later”
“That’s right~”
Etcetera, etcetera. The maids see my recovered figure and while feeling relieved the greet me.
“Sorry to worry you! I’m okay now, sorry”
While answering this I also prepare my light meal and sit at my seat.
“You are probably also tired from today”
“Maybe that’s right~”
That’s right. There is also that, surely. Because it was a tiring~ situation both mentally and physically. The quality and quantity! (mainly quality) coupled with the existence of the Duke there, I succumbed to the terror! While I am nodding my head *uh huh* at various things that ring a bell I gulp down my light meal.
“Speaking of yesterday, Companion-sama lost her temper~”
The maid who was on duty at the detached building yesterday said with reproachful eyes.
“Uh-huh, probably because Master suddenly said he would stay at the main residence”
“He eats dinner here everyday so, she is as displeased as she could possibly be”
“It does not mean that she picks a fight so it is good but, lately, her brows are always wrinkled”
To that extent she is more obsessed with her beauty~ her wrinkles were certainly increasing as it was”
“Dresses and jewels, lately it seems she cannot receive them brand new as she pleases?”
“She does not need anymore because she possesses that much”
It is not just the Duke’s maid, other maids also join in the conversation. Until then I have just been silently listening to the conversation and absorbed in eating but,
The Duke and Her, are quarreling, right?”
The thing that has been on my mind continuously ended up leaving my mouth.
“““Huh? No?”””
The Duke’s maids say uniformly say with fabergasted faces.
“Oh. Then I wonder why does he come here everyday to eat dinner?”
I incline my head and think.
If they aren’t fighting then what on earth is going on?