Chapter 27 - Together Again (1/2)

Ch.27 Together Again

“Many thanks for today. Aah, Lotus. Today it is already late so I will be sleeping here. Please prepare the room.”

Hmmm, what did this person just say? ……after a long time there is an intense disturbance. Lotus, Dahlia and Mimosa have also secretly stiffened. It has been a long time since a severe earthquake has come.


Again Lotus quickly recovers.

And the feeling of the unvoiced latest arrangement of ‘the Master shift, quickly deploy~!! Go go~!!’ reverberates around the entrance way. Today it is different from the usual pattern but it will probably be okay?

“Will you shortly go to bed?”

The Duke swapped his gaze from Lotus to me and asked this. I bump into the dark eyes……then, I wake up from my daydream.

“Ye, yes. Because today was so tiring”

Please release already……, cough. No, well, because the optional event is supposed to be ended.

Not knowing what to he is going to say next I tilt my head sideways,

“Is that so. Because I thought of having tea or something. Well, that can be on another occasion. Good night. Please prepare my tea in the room”

After facing me and softly smiling, the Duke ordered Lotus to prepare tea.

“I wonder if the Master shift is okay?”

While the Duke’s attention has strayed from me I stealthily whisper in Dahlia’s ear.

“Probably. Because some time ago I caught many people going up to the second floor from the corner of my eyes”

Dahlia also lowered her voice to reply.

“As always they are inquiring the state of affairs of the entrance way. Thank goodness”

As expected they are superior servants. They are doing a good job.


We are talking with our two faces close together but,

“Is something wrong?”

Now I notice it the Duke is watching us with a dubious expression.

“Ah, eh, no, it is nothing!

Ohohohoho~, I forcibly make a smile!

“Is that so? Well then good night”

“Good night”

I am already completely exhausted, so I’ll accept him at his word without reservation. I decide to retire to my room along with Dahlia and Mimosa.

“Ah~that was shocking. I ended up stiffening again from him saying unexpected things~”

Having undone my army clothes……I mean fancy clothes, finished bathing, changed into completely refreshing night-clothes, I dive *fwump* on the bed which has splendid cushioning. I am fully aware that it is bad manners, but Dahlia and Mimosa are not warning me yet. It is essential to give up! This room’s sofa is good and the bed is good, it is extremely comfortable, so I unintentionally I end up *lazily rolling about*. No, are there many people who wriggling around? That, the story has gone astray.

“Really. It also went pure white for a moment for me as well”

“Me too~”

Dahlia and Mimosa are both smiling wryly.

“The Duke’s recent actions, I do not understand at all~”

I query Dahlia and Mimosa while lazing about on the bed,

“Well, should I say it is astounding……”

“This unlikely thing is continuing”

They reply in similarly way, weighing up the Duke’s true motive.

“I wonder is the quarrel with Her is becoming mired in a mess?”

“Although up until now there has not been such a thing……”

“You also have not touched the detached building”

“If Master keeps coming here frequently like this, it will become more and more tangled”

“That’s right~”