Chapter 25 - Now, to War! (2/2)
“It will be time soon”
Lotus who had been silently listening to our conversation up until now, suggests departing. Hearing that voice Dahlia helps me put on my coat.
“Aah, soon is it. Well then, let us go”
The Duke says holding out his hand in my direction, but this is a escorting~…thing, right? Already, from now on, the performance has begun. Roger that.
Obediently I put my hand on the Duke’s hand.
The royal palace evening party. I wonder what kind of thing it will be. I am looking forward to it a little. Unkind young woman? Come on! What is the Duke’s goal? With all my power I will yield and give it!
“Today I am counting on you”
In the carriage on the way to the royal palace, the Duke and I are sitting opposite each other. Before the Duke talked.
“Yes. I will do my best at what I can do”
I did the dance lessons properly, so ‘with just this you can dance, so it will be okay’ Lotus gave his seal of approval. The special makeup also looks good, so you might say I will probably manage someway or another.
“Thanks. Please try not to get separated from me as much as is possible”
The carriage quietly passed through the royal palace gate.
As expected of the royal palace. Glitter glitter, sparkle sparkle. Dazzling and immense. Again I cover my eyes, staggering backwards along the wall.
It is not just the lighting and decorations. Every person here has the sparkling attribute. It seems like somehow they all seem like luminous bodies. Somebody, sunglasses PLEASE!
“The arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Physalis~”
As soon as the Duke and I stand together at the party hall entrance, at the voice of the introduction of the chamberlain, the eyes all at once flyover.
The Duke is accustomed to this kind of situation, so he has his usual great smile, but I think I am quite stiff. Though it is my personal point of view so I cannot confirm it.
Ah~, it feels like the laser beams of the gazes are burning. This sensation, is the same feeling from at the time of the wedding ceremony!
A fleeting look at the place, there are many groups of young ladies who are hiding their mouths with fans and are exchanging whispers for some reason with their neighbours. It is not just young ladies, I see madams also. The Duke, is popular regardless of age! Aah, but the Duke himself likes Onee-samas [T/N: older women], so are not madams also available?
“First of all we have to go greet His Majesty the King”
After whispering this in my ear, the Duke puts his hand on my back to escort me. This embracing back situation. It is quite embarrassing.
With all eyes filed upon us, we walk forwards towards the throne.
After finishing greeting their Majesties, the King and Queen and the guests of honour without accident, we peck at a light meal and drink delicious beverages at the party hall (I am masking my true character, rather I am being careful to not remove the special makeup, so I am only eating and drinking the minimum!), while working hard to socialise with this superior over there, this subordinate over here, the evening is passing suitably. Meanwhile as I was told I am a hanger-on……no, we are participating together.
“Leader Physalis. Just a minute……”
Saying this, is a tense handsome man greets the Duke, at the time of the height of the party.
“What. ……aaah, this is my subordinate. Excuse me for a little while”
After replying to handsome man-san, he introduces this person to me, but here it is difficult to talk, so saying one word to me, the two people go towards the terrace.
I ended up being by myself.
By nature I do not have an interest in socialising, and I did not have this kind of money so there should not be a single acquaintance of mine here.
“Yeah, it seems good to become a wallflower here”
I, who concluded that after looking around in a circle, decided to move along the wall with a glass with drink in it, in one hand.
However after a little while, at the place called, the wall,
“Are you the duchess of Physalis?”
I ended up being detained by a the voice of a slightly harsh young woman.
Has it come? Has it come?! The promised event?!