Chapter 24 - Preparations (1/2)

Ch.24 Preparations

It cannot be helped so from the next day the plan is immediately carried out, preparations for going to the evening party begin.

It is just one but making new dresses is difficult.

At the time of my social debut I received a present of a dress from my parents, but that was not custom-made but pre-made. The dresses received as engagement gifts, and the dresses arranged after the wedding in the residence are also like that. And so, it is my first time having a dress fully custom-made for me.

I am disinterested in dresses and fashion and such, however a madame who seems to know the capital’s ultra famous haute couture, has personally come to take measurements. Such a VIP, right on the heels of yesterday, rushed over to do it, of course as expected of the noble duke house, oops I’ve ended up admiring a strange point.

I was nervous about what kind of self-important madame would come but,

“Wow, a lovely Mistress! You have a long, slender and well-proportioned figure, so the dressmaking shall be worthwhile”

She is a graceful older women, with a soft smile like flowers blooming. Ho. But how can you make ‘the style nice’ if you get that I am flat-chested wrong? Ah, was she being polite? Uh, huh that’s it.

First of all measurements.

This is embarrassing. In front of the madame, Dahlia, Mimosa and several other maids, I appear in my underwear, lifting my arms high, turning backwards and this and that. I am steadily and precisely measured from top to bottom. I think, ‘what an embarrassing play’.

That finishes and this time it is the design.

I do not know very much, so for such things it is time for Mimosa’s huge strong point.

“A design that can appeal to the Mistress’s neat and tidy front……”

“She is also tall so, a shapely design would be more becoming……”

Before my eyes a discussion concerning the design, and from that source the madame is fluently drawing the design. I end up being fascinated at the skillful drawing that does not seem like it was improvised. I am more glued to madame’s skill rather than the design.

After a short while the design is settled, next is the material.

Highest grade silk is the best to touch, it is calmly glossy, moreover it is light, it is perfect.

They will use it liberally. It is extremely expensive. The feel of it is too good, it is to the degree of ending up being spellbound.

The colour is a safe light blue.

How did it become like this?

~ Sudden reflection on yesterday’s conversation ~

“But my clothes……”

The Duke who had ordered Dahlia and Mimosa to arrange the dress and accessories, would probably plan to give instructions on his own clothing but,

“In that case, there is some that was made new the other day that has not been worn once. The plan was to wear at a evening party but  you were absent from it as it overlapped with official business”

Said Dahlia looking unconcerned.

“Ah, aah. That’s right.”

Having completely forgetting the existence of such clothing, the Duke is amazed.

‘Well then, Master will wear that’

“…….all right”

Thus the Duke’s clothing was decided just like that.

Later in a conversation I asked Dahlia, it seems that a urgent business trip came up and a evening party was cancelled. Come to think of it around the time we got married there was such a business trip. But I was completely oblivious to it

That’s it, end of reflection.

I mean, if the Duke can use something he has, it is also fine for me to use something I already have, right~ I say but Dahlia and Mimosa said ‘let’s make these’ with smiles and drawing near, I gave up.

And, those clothes of the Duke’s are light blue, so the dress’s colour is to be made to match that. I think it is not necessary to have a couple-look though~ Won’t we look like a cringey couple? Consequently we will appear intimate?  Ah, really?

The appointment comes to an end and madame said such things as ‘here, I’ll exert my skills!’and hurriedly left.

And next is the jeweler. This he is also a super famous jewelry shop owner also in the capital came around. The duke household. Sure enough their ability is different. Today I really, am reminded of this many times over.

The dress has not yet been completed, so the image and colour from a little while ago is conveyed then, while saying ‘I see, I see’ he rustled in his luggage in hand and soon after,