Chapter 147 - Harrods (1/2)
The next stop was obviously at Harrods. On the ground floor, Lily inconspicuously searched for an emergency exit, as Alexandra relentlessly waved his black credit card while buying high quality jewelry from famous brands like Tiffany and Cartier for his wife's jewelry box. On the fourth floor in the toy department, Lily believed that the black card would finally throw sparks. In addition to the classic Harrods teddy bear, Adrien's achievements included numerous other toys as well as stylish clothing for the little gentleman. ”Look, Lily. Now I look just like Alec.” The toddler beamed with bright eyes begging her for her complement.
Helplessly, Lily could only nod. ”Of course, no one is sweeter than my little darling.”
”I'm not cute! I'm handsome!” With a smug grin, his big eyes were expectantly glued at Lily.
”Oh! How could I not see that! Oh, now you look so much like Alec!”
”Aren't we too handsome, that you can't look away?” The corner of Alexandre's mouth twitched.
”Yeah you two look handsome today.” Mumbled Lily as her cheeks turned this treacherous red.
”That is not out of the ordinary.” Alexandre teased his wife self-satisfied.
”S...sure...” Lily looked away from Alexandre, rolled her eyes and concentrated on helping Adrien into the blue corduroy jacket once again. Still, she could hear the smug laughter of Alexandre who was standing close behind her.
With high level of self-restraint she pinched words that were burning on her tongue and hoped that Alexandre's huge ego with confidence level 100 would not rub off on her innocent instant son. But to her sorrow, Addy was already showing the first signs of level increase. Shaking her head, Lily tied a red bow tie around the toddler's neck and then compared it to another bow tie in a light blue that the store assistant passed her.
Apparently Alexandre was in a good mood today, since the word STOP or moderation did not seem to exist in his dictionary. Lily got a headache as the family strolled down Sweet Street. Lily could hardly hold herself back, but after her loss of control in the morning, she was fighting harder against her stomach, which screamed - buy. Take it! BUY!
The shopping bags did not stay empty and a truckload of exclusive sweets wandered into Adrien's possession. The toddler's new nanny already raised her eyebrow. Lily could see something burning at the tip of her tongue. Ashamed, Lily looked away and tried to avoid eye contact with the nanny at all costs. But since the nanny was very discreet. Lily decided to keep the sweet and sticky stuff far away from the little greedy hands of the little one when they returned home. She would only give it out in portions. All to avoid the criticizing gaze of the Norland nanny.
Since the toddler did not want to leave this department again without further ado, he stayed in the toy paradise with two bodyguards and his Norland nanny, whom Alexandre had hired two days ago. A good acquaintance had recommended him to the professional childcare services of Norland College, who were qualified specialists in childcare and raising. Their principles of virtue included integrity and honesty. These were very important to Alexandre. Since Lily was herself quite overwhelmed with the upbringing of her instant son, she was grateful for this helping hand, which was not only superior in knowledge, but also in practice. That's why the instant parents could leave their son in the care of Miss Kate Crosse with an easy mind.
At the Superbrands department on the second floor for men Lily assisted Alexandre in choosing clothes. So a bright blue velvet tuxedo jacket by Tom Ford and a blue three-piece suit, a beige Pal Zileri wool-silk two-piece suit, as well as 6 shirts by brands like Ralph Lauren and Stefano Ricci ended up in their shopping bags. This was followed by 5 sweaters from Gucci, Thom Browne, Burberry and a black tailored overcoat from Givenchy, as well as 6 ties that Lily chose for him, while Alexandre stood behind her, grinning and watching.