Chapter 112 - Tired of pushing away (1/2)

But she did not wait. She observed. Evaluating. He realized he only had this one chance left! The chill in her eyes made him tremble, cut off his air to breathe.

” I would rather be curious about the connection between you and Uncle. ” Her voice almost went dead. Once again she took a deep breath. He could hear the trembling inside. Crack. Something snapped in him, allowed him to take a closer look. See her. See what she was trying to hide. Crack! Her eyes were wide open, but her gaze didn't exactly touch his. Her eyes were wavering. Insecurity lurked in the deep blue and the deeper he dived into the cool blue, the clearer he could see it. All the facets she tried to hide from him. The fear and the pain. Crack!

Finally, he understood.

Crack! His chest hurt.

Now he stared at her. The view of her grief ripped through him, hurting too much. He didn't understand.

He lifted his shoulders up, bent his head over her and wrapped his arms around her center. His gaze was still deeply immersed in hers. ”He hates me. That's right.” He remarked calmly and noticed one thing. He was tired of pushing her away. He leaned his forehead against hers. Near her he had a feeling of finding peace, he did not want to lose this feeling. The effect she had on him...

He closed his eyes. Breathe in. Out. In...

”But he doesn't hate me directly...” He clenched his teeth, slowly realizing. ”rather my father or what he did and the consequences.” It poured out of his mouth, like a mighty river flowing out of him. Like dams were being broken. He couldn't stop it. But the feeling that followed was firm, steady, but also warm and refreshing at the same time.

”What has he done?”

He smiled without humor. The truth wasn't shallow waters. He needed to face her. He was reluctant to be fooled further. ”It's a long story...” He swallowed. ”For this we should sit down.” He pulled her out of the bathroom and sat down with her on the soft divan and leaned back. Where should he start? ”Did Fabien ever tell you who his father is?”

She shook her head.