Chapter 97 - All she wanted was to be happy (1/1)

”Yes... well... But what does he need it for. I don't understand that.” She felt a strange feeling come over her. A mixture of doubt and suspicion. She trembled at her next words. ”Then I'll live under the same roof as a murderer.” Her eyes were widened in fear. ”A... Addy and I aren't safe there!”

Nelli reached for her hand. ”Calm down! He won't hurt you. He needs you!”

”But for what?”

”I don't know. But if anything comes up, we have these.” She waved with one of the passports. A gentle smile curled around her lips. ”Let's find out more and not jump to conclusions. It's true that Alexandre had the most to gain from the death of Fabien and Elodie. But maybe there's more to it than that, and someone else had a hand in it, we don't know about.”

But Lily no longer felt safe at all. In her eyes, Alexandre had always been unbeatable. Especially for her. A normal girl, without any special talents. Only people like Fabien could compete with Alexandre. But he was no longer here. All there was left to her were Fabien's secrets.

Even if there was someone else behind the plane crash. So what was the motivation behind the attack on Fabien and Elodie? Were they also after Adrien?

”What should I do? She sniffed.

Her body trembled like a pile of misery. She knew she was just cannon fodder. She was not one of those protagonists who rebelled against all odds. She hadn't been reborn as cannon fodder in this world without reason. Lily was a coward through and through, who only thought about running away, but what was so wrong with that. Was it not human? She just wasn't cut out for main characters, and she knew it. Being brave was always her last choice. And all she really wanted was to live safely with Addy. To have a normal life. She didn't want money or power. Since she knew money would never make her happy. A life where money brought her misery was enough for her. She wouldn't risk her life a second time just for money. All she wanted was to be happy.

”We must find the murderer. We owe it Elli!” Nelli said with fire in her eyes.

Lily's heart took a leap into the abyss. It wanted to bury itself as deep as it could. She knew Nelli was right. She owed it to their friends! But there was this fear that was pressing her throat. She knew that if they wanted to get to the truth, it would be like walking on thin ice. One false step and the ice would crack beneath her feet.

And her priority was still Adrien. Without question, Fabien must have had the same intentions. Addy's safety was her first concern. Everything else came after.

”What are we going to do about it?” She asked and closed her eyes for a moment. ”I don't want to leave it in the same safe deposit box. At least Alexandre must know for sure that the safe deposit box exists. Considering that he was involved in everything from the start. So the plane crash, the lawyer and Addy and my tracking down. I'd like to move the contents to a new locker under my own name only. This safe deposit box can continue to exist, but without any contents.” She confessed her thoughts.

”Let's do it this way!” Nelli piled up all the documents and put them neatly back into the locker for the moment. Then she suddenly got up and went to the door. Lily could only follow her as she told Mr. Lugmaier to tell Mr. Zoeller that they still needed his professional assistance.

It took minutes before the elderly gentleman stepped back into the room. On his lips remained that nice smile.

Without further ado, Lilly explained her wishes to him, after which the banker took out his laptop and began to make arrangements. After more than an hour, all documents were signed and Lilly had her own secret safe deposit box under her maiden name, where all the documents were safely stored. Except the notebook, she would keep it to herself. Maybe there were some useful information hidden in it that they had overlooked while quickly checking it. She wondered what she had gotten herself into. Three American passports also remained in Nelli's care. In case everything around her would blow up.