143 Arron Trask of New AlterEarth 2 (1/2)

Demonsong Brandon_Gould 13800K 2022-07-23

”Arron, come hurry up or we will miss the show.” a teenage girl said to a boy who was also in his teens. He had dark grey hair that was bushy and spiked up in the middle and back, he wore a dark purple Gi and held a short training wooden bo staff. ” I am coming as fast as i can.”

Arran said as he ran behind her cluthing his wire rim glasses so they would not fly off . His girlfriend Trish Winters had dragged him out of his martail arts class to take him to some sort of festival that was happening in the Downtown sector.

”Trish, why am i coming here with you, not that i don't want to i just am confused.”

Trish stopped when they reached a dark alley way and said ” come lets go this way, it is a shortcut.”

Arron was skeptaicl, He had seen Tokyo Ghoul and knew that if he went down that alley way Trish may turn out to be a evil monster and try to eat him.

Arron decied that was a unrealisce thought so he went into the long dark and dimly lit alley way, The sun was setting Arron could not see Trish anywhere.

Arron walked further into the alley way, The ground become softer and musher as Arron moved deeper into the tunnel and the smell of rotting flesh acused Arrons nose

Arron heard dripping coming from the celleing and could feel thousands of wormlike creatures nibbling at his feet.

Arron heard the crunch of bone, Arron nervesly looked down and saw a human skull under his feet.

Screaming in terror Arron ran deeper into the tunnel, Arron stopped when he hit a glue like wall. The darkness engulfed him and thousands of monsterious tenctacles came out of the ground ”

Aba'lakeno?” A massive face said as it rose up from the ground its body was a formless mass of organs, mussle and tissue, the creature seemed to speak dicretly into Arrons mind