85 Vishan son of Avastra Evermoon (1/2)
Vi'han could feel the leaves chunching under his feet as he ran across the branches. Vi'han and his older brother Dakter were racing each other.
Dakter was two years older then Vi'han but. Vi'han looked like the older brother then Dakter did.
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Dakter had a medium build and long unkempt blonde hair. he was traing to be in the El'tare Elite, a group of El'tare that got to leave the Woods. ” what is taking you so long Sa'laree?” Vi'hin lept back to Dakter, he a muscler body. his warrior Mark's glammed in the sun as he knelt down and sat next to his brother
he lovingly placed a arm around his brother ” Dakter, stop worrying. I know for sure that we will get into the Ellite.” Vi'han stood up and held out his hand for Dakter to grab it to stand up. ” I promise”
Dakter nooded ” we shouldhead back to Brightmoon, before Vesta finds out we have left the village” Vi'han smiled ” I am sure he already knows and told mother by know.”
Dakter and Vi'han headed back. As Vi'han was leaping to a large tree branch his vision blurred and missed Dekter leapt down and grabbed his brother
Dakter decided to carry Vi'han back ” have you been going to that town again” Dakter asked Vi'han as they neared the village Vi'han said nothing Dakter sighed and said ” fine, I will not say anything.” he paused and said softer ” just don't do anything stupid”
Dakter and Vi'han reached there home and were greeted by Ava'tra who told them it was dangerous and that if the Vesta had to tell her that they had left they would be exiled.
Vi'han could not sleep that night, he wanted to go out into the world so much , he felt that his place was not here.
Vi'han went to sleep but suddenly awake and found himself in a land covered in roots. in the center was a massive pulsing tree. Vi'han could hear a voice coming from it, the voice sounded far away but edged him to come close.