80 Father Nine summons Father Prime (1/1)

Demonsong Brandon_Gould 9920K 2022-07-20

Father Nine entered a large room in the center was a machine with tubes that had dark red ooze flowing into the center of it. Father Nine walked up to it and placed his hand on the center panel, a bright blue light elumeted the room as lighting flashed. The machine gave off a powerful Kyi ”yes, soon my master will arrive.” the machine doors opened. Father Nine jumped back as a long icy blade pierced his body shaddring him into a thousand pieces. a naked figure fell out of the machine his body torn from battle, his left arm a long black blade. ”I did it. I stoped you from brining him back.” The figure stood up his body pulsing with deep blue lighting ”I stopped him but now what it is only a matter of time before the Flashpoint converges and merges everything into one and creates a universal reseat. Its happened before.” The Figure stood up and created clothing ” it seems that in the process of my universal Time Skip I have obtained reality altering powers.

a scitest walked in and saw the figure ” no, cant have this.” the figure snaped his figure and melted the scitensts mind.

”what am I supposed to do? ah yes, find and destroy Lupine Riddle.” the figure walked away his very presence causing time to bend around itself

at the brige of time Victor was scared ” I have never felt or seen anything like this, the bridge of time is collosping” Jason ran into one of the doors not knowing to what universe it lead to. the platform holding Marcy collospaed ”sister! Simon yelled as he lept in after her but Victor grabbed him and thorw him into the nearest door. ” theres only one door left and I know where this one goes. The World of the Void” Victor leapt into the door

In Overworld the Elder Lords had convened ”this is unheard of the bridge of time has been destoryed that bridge has lasted eons.” Kara said The Creator replied ”yes I know but I fear that this darkness is far greater then Zargorwarth the Demon Lord could ever have been. it is a combione of forces all determined to destroy The Dra'ghoul bloodline at any cost.”

Kara replied ”then let them. why let them destory us with it?” The Creator replied ”because the Dra'ghoul empire is the multiverse, they built and they will destory it.”

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The Creator sighed and said ”with that said, we are all doomed if the Flashpoint is not stoped.”