32 Epilouge (1/1)

Demonsong Brandon_Gould 6640K 2022-07-20


Ryi'june awaken and found himself chained to the floor the sky was a dark grey and shards of the sky were broken like glass floating in space like they were frozen there. Ryi'june tried to move but his body could not move like his bones were made of stone ”where am I!” Ryi'june cried out his voice echoing off of the wind there was silence for a while a long deafing silence. Ryi'june heard a earpirecing scream

” foolish, mortal you dare mess with the Authors timeline” a figure made of white staic said ”what are you?” Ryi'june asked the figure ” I am no one in this time or anytime but I have been everyone all the time everywhere at every minute of the hour of the day. I am the beginging and the end the alpha and the omega, your creator as well as the destroyer. I have destroyed heros and slayed villiens, I am you Ryi'june as I am everyone in this world. this world is mine and only mine I can do with it as I wish and you Ryi'june have outlived your usefulness so now you must be contained in my Void a place where you can never leave.”

Ryi'june replied ”wait you mean we are all part of you. all of Tylingariea is something you created and you will destroy an einter timeline just to start over fresh.” The Auther replied ”I did not have to you did for me.” Ryi'june fell silent as the void closed in around him ”if you came back to use you will be brought back.” The Authur said Ryi'junes heart filled with darkness and hatred as the eons passed his powers grew stronger and stronger each day ”one day I will destroy this world and all in it will fall.” Ryi'june said darkly as his eyes burned with the fire of a true Demon