23 A place to call home (1/1)
Christina and Bastion had stopped at the top of a flowery hill overlooking the ruins of a old train yard. Christina opened up her bag and took out a doll its eyes were sewen buttons and was made of green and red cloth. ”oh have not held onto that for all these years?” a tall blonde girl asked Chirstina unphased replied ”no, I'm just holding onto it for someone.” she paused ”at least until they come back.” the girl puzzeled replied ” what she does want to come back?” Chirstina stood up and looked at the girl she wore rags and her hair was worn and frizzled Chirstina bent down and asked gentley ”do you have a name?” Kar'lyin but you can call me Kar'ree.” Kar'ree said Chirstina smiled ”come I want to take you Highgarden when I am done with what I have to do.” Chirstina said as she placed Kar'ree on Bastion ”why not just take me there now?” Kar'ree asked Chirstina motioned for Bastion to go.
it was near nightfall when Chirstina heard a familer sound” Krissy hold up, don't go in there with out me” then saw aa fuzzy shadowit looked like a person, like a person she once knew. ”Lady look out!” Kar'ree yelled as a massive brench smacked her in the head knocking her to the ground knocking Chirstina out.
”Krissy, hold on we should not go in there. its says it is illegal to pass beyond the border.” Chirstina said she was much younger and was talking to child that did not look like Chirstina she had dark brown skin, long silver hair and copper colored eyes. Krissy and Chirstina were homeless and lived in the Little Bears home for homeless children. Chirstina was not related to Krissy by blood but she had lived with her long enough to be called her sister as well as her mother. Krissy was mute so she could not proplely speak but she did know sign launge Krissy made the sign for I know and I want to live now Mommy. hearing this broke Chirstinas heart she did feel like her mother and did not want to stay in the home any more. Chirstina felt dark Kyi in there esppely around Headmaster Ezra Dra'ghoul. but had to stay at least for a while longer.
”Lady, are you ok?” Kar'ree asked Chirstina as she was coming to. Chirstina nodedd and said ”yeah I'm fine” she paused and said ” you can call me Krissy if you want Kar'ree.”
Kar'ree sat down next to Chirstina and said ” I like that name Krissy. where did you think of it?” Kar'ree said grinning Chirstina smiled and said ” it's because you remind of my daughter her name was Krissy.” Chirstina laid down her head was still swimming from being hit by the branch. ”goodnight Krissy” Kar'ree said as she put the covers over Chirstina.