20 Ryisjune meets Black Racer (1/1)

Demonsong Brandon_Gould 18350K 2022-07-20

as Xijack lead the group farther into the Ice Realm of Xell Ryi'june could feel a dark chill creeping over his body ”do you guys feel that?” Ryi'june asked Hanzo replied ”what, I don't feel anything?” Ryi'june paused he jumped as he felt a shadowy hand clasp his shoulder. Ryi'june tried to cry out but was stopped by several other hands. a low dark laugher could be heard from behind Ryi'june as he watched his frineds disapper from view.

Ryi'june stood up and looked around the snow created a vortex around them and the laughter echoed all around him ”who are you?” Ryi'june cried out to the unknown person. the laughter stopped Ryi'june fell to the ground as a sword cut his leg crying in pain Ryi'june looked up and saw Black Racer standing over him. ”hello brother.” Black Racer said as he took a knife and thrust it into Ryi'junes right eyes. Ryi'june screamed in pain as he pulled out the blade removing his eyes, Black Racer then poured gasline on Ryi'june and lit him on fire.

Ryi'june let out ungodly screams of pain ”why are you doing this!” Ryi'june cried out Black Racer replied ”because I can brother. ” Black Racer screamed as a golden dragon knife pierce his shoulder and Bastion grabed his right arm and tore it off. before Black Racer could react Christina drew her Elven sword and sliced Black Racer in two killing him instnlty.

Christina leapt off of Bastion and ran to Ryi'june she placed her right hand on Ryi'junes forhead and closed her eyes as she did the flames turned light blue and became cold as ice. Ryi'june could feel the burning of the fire going away as he passed out from pain, he saw Chirstinas emerald green eyes and was reminded of Sophia.

it was dark when Ryi'june awoke on the hard stone floor of the cave a fire was burning in the center Ryi'june reached to touch his right eye but felt a hole and his skin was charred. ”your up finally.” Christina said turning from the fire. ”how long have i been asleep?” Ryi'june asked Christina motioned for him to come over and offered him a slice of Ice Dragon Meat ”you have been asleep for about six weeks at the most. your lucky i saved you if i came later you would be dead by now.” Ryi'june replied ”why did you save me? i don't even know you?”

Christina said smiling she placed a hand on Ryi'junes the back of Ryi'junes head and said softly ” but you do Ryi'june you saved me all those years ago from being killed i have to return the favor. i vowed i would aide you in your time of need and Aldardawn has told me that you need all of the allies you can get to defeat Lupine.” Ryi'june nodded and began to eat ”by the way who is Sophia?” Christina asked

Ryi'june paused and did not reply for a few minutes ”just an old friend.” Ryi'june said. Christina nodded took a small plug and stuck it into the side of Ryi'junes head Ryi'june cried out in pain as he felt a tingling sension all over his body ” what did you do?” Ryi'june asked ”i put a Body protection shield so that you will not have this problem again.” she touched Ryi'junes skin it felt tough and warm to the touch.

Ryi'june embraced her Chirstina blushed as she accepted the hug ” thank you for saving me Chirstina.” Ryi'june said he stood up his mind was filled with a buzzing sound a sound he had heard once before. before he knew what he had done Ryi'june kissed Chirstina.

Chirstina was surprised at this but was ok with it.Ryi'june walked away and said ” I am so sorry” his face flushed Chirstina replied ” that is ok would you like to ride with me to the Pale TowerI intend on helping you and the rest of your group should be there by the time we get there.” Ryi'june noded and got onto Bastion who took off towards The Pale Tower

after a day of riding they stopped thirteen miles away from the Ashen Dessertthey stopped to camp. once the camp was set up ”please turn around I need to change.” Chirstina said Ryi'june nodded Chirstina walked a ways away and removed her shirt and placed her hand over her stomach ”if only.” thinking of a time when she was in love, when she could have a child but now she can't, her chance for a familyhas been slashed from her at a young age. Chirstina could still feel the blade running down from the top of all the way down the center of her stomach splitting her stomach in two and cutting open her vagina cavity. she paused and put on a new shirt then walked over to Ryi'june who put a hand on her shoulder and said ”when you want to talk you can.” Chirstina smiled and said ”ok, i'll think about it.”