10 The city of Xen (1/1)

Demonsong Brandon_Gould 6270K 2022-07-20


it took Ryi'june and Jarred three days to travel though the tunnel and into the realm of Eldarron. as they traveled through the lush valleystowards the city of xen Ryi'june began to wonder. ”what is going to happen to this wonderful place when shit hits the fan”

Ryi'june did not want to believethat war would come to Tylingariea but somewhere in the back of mind. he knew that Voidheart would stop at nothing until his goals were completed even if that ment destroying a realm.

as Ryi'june and Jarred walked around Xen. they heard a crowd of people cheering. Ryi'june and Jarred walked to thenearest person and said ” what all the cheering for?”

the woman replied ” the hero who saved us from darkness had come back and promised that he will destroy all evildoers.” Jarred asked the lady ”what is the name of your savior?” the lady replied ”Quill”

Ryi'june could not hear what else the lady was saying. he was so mad his head was filled with a loud buzzing noise ” I am going to kill him!” Ryi'june reached for his blade but stopped. ”that dragon and his stupid money making plans. I told him do not use me as a pitch. if you do I will kill you.” Ryi'june said ” but I am not going to kill him.”

Ryi'june snapped his fingers Quill reformed inside of Ryi'junes backpack ”what the hell man let me out.” Sophia walked out from around the coroner holding her bag. she put it on top of the others. ” where to know?” Jarred asked ” I now of a good mystic that lives here that we need to see she can tell us what to do and how to defeat