6 meeting with a long lost friend (1/1)
Ri' June left Nevermore early the next day. the sun had barely come up. Ri'june walked into a large stable in the side of the temple. once Ryi'june entered old memorys reentered his mind
”Ryi'june when you chose a Dyitin'ra you chose a friend, an alley that will be bonded to you forever.” Tyi'ken said as she lead Ryi'june though the stable. Ryi'june was seven he had never seen a Dyitin'ra and was in aw at the majestic creatures. there massive legs and body were covered in many fantisc designs and colors. ” do you see one that speaks to you?” Tyi'ken asked Ryi'june. He did not know they all looked interesting. Ryi'june stopped at a the stall of a young Dyitin'ra. there eyes meet even though Ryi'june was seven he could sense the pain andsufferingthatthis creature had been though. Ryi'june walked into the stable and began to pet the majestic creature. its fur felt like silk.
”I believe this Dyitin'ra is the one.” Tyi'ken said ” what is her name” Ri'june asked ”That is up to you.” Tyi'ken replied Ryi'june that for a moment and then said ”Her name is Adeline” Tyi'ken nodded ”that is a unique name.”
After Ryi'june finished remembered this he walked over to Adeline stable and was so glad to see his Dyitin'ra waiting for him. he walked up to her and petted Adeline ”I am sorry I have not ridden you in a while girl.” Adeline replied with a snot ” well I am here now. I and i will never leave you again” Ryi'june replied Adeline kneeled downso Ryi'june could stall her. Ryi'june got into Adeline the memorys of riding her though the valleys of Nevermore came flooding back to him. Ryi'june paused and ” it is going to be late by the time I get to Xen. I should spend the night at a inn.” Ryi'june knew the closet inn to stay at and he even knew the owner. The Black Dragon