Chapter 30 - DARKSEID 4: ALL IT TAKES IS A FLASH (1/2)

Into The Flash. IsaacStar 13970K 2022-07-20

(Slo Mo)

Barry saw that the OMEGA rays was targeted at Jordan.

”Oh, shit”, Jordan exclaimed when he figured out it was targeted at him.

Barry was brain storming on ways to counter it as this was one of the most deadliest if not deadliest of Darkseid's powers.

Jordan erected a wall of defence. It was blasted straight into smithereens as the energy beam still travelled towards him. He kept making conatructs with the hope of slowing down the OMEGA rays.

Clark released a stream of freeze breath, which was immediately melted by the rays.

”Help me, Clark!! ”,Jordan screamed the rays seems to be following him like a targeted missile.

”I'll do what I can, but against that power even the man of steel will melt”,Clark said.

** VOOM **, Barry ran towards Jordan after he thought of something, ”Jordan keep flying in a straight line with your full speed!”,he yelled.

He then followed behind the OMEGA rays which was slowly catching up with Jordan. He ran until he was roughly beside the OMEGA rays. He made sure he was moving at the same speed.

”Can't it just be dodged”,J'onn asked.

”Impossible. It's like a missile. Follows the target until it's neutralized and it's power is absolutely devastating”,Bruce said impatiently.

The beam of energy was slowly catching up to Jordan. The heat from it blasted against Barry's face as he raced by its side. But because of the heat resistance material Cisco used, it didn't burn up. Barry slowly moved his hand towards the OMEGA rays grabbing it. Lighting crackled as it was generated around Barry's body and his eyes were flashing white.

He grabbed the ray of energy and balanced it with his shoulder. When super speeding, everything seemed to slow down and would therefore cause a huge reduction in weight and strength.

He carefully balanced on his shoulder, the power it possessed tore through Barry suit, injuring him, blood splashed on his face as his arm slowly tore. Gnashing his teeth, he held on to it. Then he saw Clark holding the ray from the other side, flying.