Chapter 381 Part 2 (1/1)
With a bang, two hundred ballistae were fired again After adjusting the angle this time, they shot farther!
The Northwest army watched ballista bolts shoot into the sky and then fell from the sky to land on their heads!
It was not that the Northwest Arenerals were incoht those ballistae could shoot so far There was still a lot of open space for the cavalry to disperse They also believed that with such a long distance, the opponent's bows and arrows could never shoot thee of the ballistae was 1,500 hout the history of continent, ould use a heavy weapon such as a ballistae in a large-scale land battle? Although the penetrating lethality of the ballistae was strong, the coverage area was almost equal to zero! If it weren't for Du Wei's “bomb”, ballistae could only be used in naval battles
Northwest arain fell in chaos
The generals of the Northwest Army finally understood that if they didn't work hard now, they would be dead!
It's too late to reorganise the arardless of whether the army was still chaotic or not, all the Northwest Army soldiers ere still on the horses quickly turned their horses around and launched a desperate charge…
Although the forarded!
There was only one thought in everyone's e attacks were terrible so the only way to survive was to rush over to the other side!
At this tibatton of the Tulip Faht thousand cavalry but that's enough!
These thousands of cavalry were the strongest elite he had carefully selected Every one of these was selected from the imperial cavalry stationed on the prairie!
The Northwest Arh the soldiers of Northere several ti roup of ducks
The cavalry of the 8000 elites quickly took forbatton They were ready to charge Longbatton raised his long sabre and yelled:
“Kill these bastards!”
Although there were many people on enemy's side, most of them were in chaos and panicked Soh the number of people on their side was small, they ell-equipped and were in forbatton was in the lead and his huge body was covered with a thick layer of steel ar sabre in his hand waved i four or five North-western soldiers in a row, Longbatton was also stabbed in the shoulder by a spear froe body was like a meat wall The thick steel arth The opponent tried to retreat the spear Longbatton grinned and hacked at the head of opponent!
Glancing at the opponent's face, Longbatton laughed wildly: “Roy! It's you asshole! I had a dozen fights with you then! I said earlier that you are not this father's opponent!”
The guy killed by hieneral of the Northwest Army!