Chapter 318 Part2 (1/1)
Looking at the horizon behind hier as time passed in the sky No doubt that that black spot in the sky was Sebasta as arriving very fast
When Du Wei was thinking hard to himself, Samuel said to hi about? These two guys are neither your fathers nor your sons What are you hesitating about? Let's go!”
Du Wei did not answer; the White River on the ground also sat up and sighed: “little Du Wei, you go!”
Du Wei was finding it really hard to make decision It's absolutely not a probleician He could not fly too far and fast If he usedWhite River? To let this lonely but powerful uy as Sebasta, he really couldn't bear to let such a person suffer such a fate!
“damn it, just once!”
Behind him, the Sebasta was only few kilometres away An ordinary people have to run for a while to cover this distance, but for a level 9 knight, it would take just a moment!
Du Wei took a deep breath and then looked at the distance; he found a shten up He hurried over and picked up both men and then rushed to the forest
Above northilderness, the trees grew very poorly This forest was sparsely populated with only a dozen trees and they all were malnourished The trunk, and the leaves were yellow and half dead
Fortunately, Du Wei had been practicing hard for two years, and the basicSpirit (T/L: Not sure about that naility techniques and dragged both men all the way past towards the forest
But behind hietting closer and closer, even the voice of Sebasta was clearly audible!
“Duke of Tulips! You have nowhere to run! You will definitely die! In this place, who can save you?!”
After he finished saying, he juaroo Now, he was just a hundred steps away froe of the forest He finally sighed and leaned down to the ground He refused to reply to that guy and he gasped a few tiolden coloured Horn
He turned around and looked at Sebasta: “You little son of bitch, no one is here to save me? Let me tell you, this Duke is very lucky You wish to killthat, he blew the horn…
The whining sound of horn iroaning noise, the trees swayed and the roots ca off the dust and dead leaves as if they were huh, then pointed to Sebasta and shouted: “Go! Kill this little bastard!”
More than a dozen Treants became alive, immediately twisted their bulky body and surrounded rushed toward Sebasta
Sebasta was stunned at first He had never seen this kind of strange “ic”, but he soon recovered his mental state He ie and strong bodies, had nothing to worry about
If people encountered dozen such of such h, they could turn thehter: “Duke of Tulips, is this your life-saving trick…”