Chapter 255 (1/2)

Chapter 255 “Everything is for the state”

When Du Wei once again caovernor’sithout a doubt far more enjoyable than the last

After exchanging soht to the point and expressed his gratitude towards the soldiers that gave their lives and illing to assume all the compensation towards the deceased……

Once that was out of the way, Du Wei picked up the honey flavored tea and took a sip: “Dear Governor Bohan, my aid, Philip, told me you have other requests towards my cooperation plan, is this correct?”

When Du Wei asked this his broas vaguely wrinkled because he was slightly unhappy about it

Reflecting back on his offer, there shouldn’t be anything to nitpick about Although it was because his own territory lacked the needed population to conscript the required nu all financial costs involved Sure, he’s taking half of the forces, but in name, they are all under Bohan’s name!

So what else does he want?

Du Wei’s certain Bohan will not refuse his offer because if he was in his shoe, he will definitely accept it Co

“I think the terms I proposed already expressed the sincerity of the Tulip Family” Du Wei carefully treads his word to test the water: “Dear Governor Bohan, the people are yours, the soldiers are yours, all I’ their salaries… I believe these terms will not be found in any other place across the continent”

“But in the end you are taking people from my land” Bohan rudely rebuked

“No, the correct word is, ‘people of the empire’” Du Wei softly returned the blow: “Last I remember you are but a Governor of the Empire, not a Lord”

“This makes it even more imperative that I take responsibility for the people under my care” Bohan picks up a cup for a sip

Du Wei could only sigh at the answer

Bohan’s tone really have some… … Exorbitant taste in there

Regarding the new ter some trouble with it

Bohan asked Du Wei to provide additional help on top of the original tereneral to train the new recruits … … Meanwhile, he also needs Du Wei to provide ic assistant

Magical assistance? Plainly speaking, he wants Du Wei to provide a ician!

“Cavalry general isn’t a probleins, I plan to construct a military barracks between our borders that ood talents capable in cavalry training, but I do have General Longbottoo over his h I can’t lend you General 250, I will allow your soldiers to train under him”

Thinking it over, Bohan finally nods: “I agree that this proposal is feasible, but how are you going to solve the ic issue?”

Du Wei rubbed his nose and wryly sician, but please understand that I can’t come in person to help you”

“But according to athered under your banner” Bohan points out this key info

“Most of the capabilities” Du Wei shakes his head and sic academ



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y and are only here for their internshi+p program Once that is over, the students will return to the capital to continue their schooling… Even if I proic council will not permit”

“Duke…” Bohan stands up and closely looked at the closed door: “There are only two of us here so let’s put aside the charade I’ll ht kids go back to the capital do you?”

“The correct number is twenty six” Du Wei revealed a trace of sadness on his face: “Back in the battle at Anglia City, I lost two excellent students”

“Yes… … But you won’t let these people go will you?” Bohan slowly uttered his words: “And, in addition to the twenty six trainees I know you have a nuhth level grand e Vivian”

Du Wei’s eye suddenly turned sharp: “Governor Bohan, do you think I would send my wife to a place six hundred miles away from me?”

“…… Wife?” Bohan becahtly startled by the news