Part 23 (1/2)

The heart of the poor girl al as she saw pawnee Brown face about, ready to defend both her and hiht appear to help Yellow Elk

Urged by the great scout, she set off on a hasty run for the ained she heard the crack of a pistol, but whether fired by the boomer or an Indian she could not tell

”Heaven spare that brave man!” was the prayer which came to her almost bloodless lips

She looked around in vain for the horse spoken of by pawnee Brown Not an aniht Then she re down the ravine, and she set off on foot

Not far from the mouth of the cave the ravine forked into two branches, the s at the distance of quarter of ashe was , expecting each instant to find pawnee Brown coht!”

Such was the cry which escaped her when she cao no further in that direction On both sides and in front arose a series of rocks, more or less steep, and covered only with scrub brush, impossible to ascend

She looked behind No one was co All about her was as silent as a too back,” shean Indian made her shi+ver In her life in the open she had had many an encounter with a wild animal, but redskins were as yet almost new to her, and her experience with the hideous Yellow Elk had been one she did not care to repeat

She had just turned tothe rocks caused her to pause She looked intently in the direction, but could see nothing out of the ordinary

”Hullo, there,away out here?”

The cry ca swiftly, she saw an evil-lookingunder one of the rocky walls of the _cul de sac_ The e

Nellie did not know the fellow; indeed she had never heard of him But there was that in the spy'sas he leaped down to where she stood

”I say, how did you coe

”I--I just escaped from an Indian who carried me off from Arkansas City,” answered Nellie

”An Indian! Who was it, do you know?”

”A fellow nae uttered a lohistle

”Where is he now?” he questioned

”I left hiain the spy uttered a whistle, but whether of surprise or dismay Nellie could not tell

”Were you alone with Yellow Elk?”

”I was for a tiht”