Part 13 (1/2)

”Oh, you beast! Let o!” she screamed faintly She was about to say more, but Yellow Elk clapped a dirty hand over her mouth and silenced her

”No speak irl speak toome? This is not the booirl in too much hurry,” rejoined the wily redskin

”I was told the camp was but a short distance out of town”

”Ca toent on Yellow Elk

”You're a good one for fairy tales,” was the boomer's silent comment He had withdrawn to the shelter of the thick brush and sat his steed like a statue, while his pistol was ready for use, with his forefinger upon the trigger

”But--but--what happened toto sit up, while Yellow Elk held her back

”White girl lose breath and shut eyes,” was the answer, ht--Yellow Elk no hurt her”

”I will go no further with you--I do not believe your story!” cried Nellie ”Let rew dark, and he e which Nellie did not understand, but which pawnee Brown made out to be that the White Bird was too sweet to be lost so easily, he must take her to his cave in the mountains

”Will you?” murmured pawnee Brown ”Well,of a cave in the mountains made pawnee Brown curious Did Yellow Elk have such a hiding place? Where was it located, and was the Indian chief its only user?

”Perhaps soht ”I would like to investigate Who knows but what the cavalryined”

A brief consideration of the subject and hisas the Indian did not offer positive harm to Nellie Winthrop he would not expose hi the cave and learning o, I say!” cried Nellie, but the Indian chief irl be no fool Indian friend; no hurt one hair of her head

Soon we be in camp and she will see what a friend Yellow Elk has been”

At this Nellie shook her head That painted and dirty face was far too repulsive to be trusted But there was no help for it; the Indian held her as in a vise, and she was forced to sub the trail, Indian and horse passed within a dozen feet of where pawnee Brown sat, still as silent as a block ofmoment What if the horse he rode should make a noise, or if his own Bonnie Bird should instinctively discover hiive the alarm?

”Poor Bonnie Bird, to have to carry a dirty redskin,” thought the boomer The ears of the beautiful mare went up as she drew close, and she appeared to hesitate But Yellow Elk urged her along by several punches in the ribs, and in a er of discovery just then was past

On went the tall Indian along the ravine, peering cautiously ahead, with one hand around Nellie's waist and the other holding the reins and his pistol He kneas on a dangerous mission, and he stood ready, if unmasked, to sell his worthless life dearly

pawnee Brown followed at a distance of a hundred feet, taking care to pick his way so that his horse's hoofs should strike only the dirt and softthe tall trees should screen him as much as possible

Presently he saw the Indian halt and stare long and hard at a tall pine growing in front of a large flat rock

”Wonder if he has missed his way?” mused the scout, but a moment later Yellow Elk proceeded onward, faster than ever

Co up to the pine, pawnee Bro instantly what had attracted the redskin's attention There was a blaze on the tree six inches square, and on the blaze ritten in charcoal:

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