Vol 2 Chapter 34 (1/2)

Chapter 34

Chapter Three


(Part 4)

The date changing, it was just about the ti as much as they would for the day

A guard standing watch as gatekeeper recognized an approaching caravan

Although the hustle and bustle of refugees and construction ate only started several days before, the construction itself helped regain the peace by co to an end

The leading carriage co beside the coachuard

The gate-keeping guard grinned broadly at the char youth with short, red hair

“So it’s you eh, what brings ya here this time?”

“Long time no see, I’ in the arena”

On the back of the registration card he presented was the expected transport commission mark

“Yeah, looks good here Let me check it out”

The red-haired youth had been seeing around uards all knew his face well

Nevertheless, that being the case was no reason for theer put out, so the guard exao bed

However, the guard judged that there were so many of them that it would cause a horrid traffic issue if he was too thorough, so he only went to the extent of taking silances inside of each

“I ss, what kinda shop’s your employer lookin’ to open?”

“I heard so about a sweet confectionery that uses fruit, maybe you have an idea?”

“… No idea I uild branch here, man”

Hearing the wryly-suard couldn’t help but return the grin

For better or worse, the cuisine this guild branch offered were beyond extraordinary Be it in quality, price, or volu

There wereto open restaurants due to the town’s recent expansion, but it could be said to be a harsh environment to start in

“I have to stop by the branch, so you’ll have to excuse me”

“Yeah, go for it”

In this way, several dozen cargo beds were transported to the arena

Siatekeepers, the town’s residents were also accustomed to the rush due to the construction rush that had recently completed

Although there were people who eyed the covered cargo beds, not one held any s towards their contents, nor anyone who suspected anything amiss

Most recently, things such as plu carried out in the arena’s interior, so things were steadily advancing towards the facility’s grand opening

Alate that faced the e, transport-use door with three areas set up to be used

Although there was the transport-use door, there weren’t anywhen it wasn’t even open yet Simultaneously, this also served as proof that there weren’t any shops who had gotten to the point of needing heavythose entrances

However, there were several cargo beds being carried into that delivery entrance

With his face well known in the area, people didn’t bat an eyelash at the sight of hioods inside as they carried on about their work

Several contractors, a lack of recognition by craftsmen

Reliance one gained byperiod of time

The youth utilized them, neither too much nor too little

“That went pretty smoothly”

“Hm? Yeah, it did”

Hearing the birdkin—one of the coachmen—speak, the red-haired youth affirmed in response with an emotionless voice

To hiot them this far, but it wasn’t like that was necessary

However, since it did advance so smoothly, he felt it would be nice for it to keep up till the end

“Let’s go We wouldn’t want to die in a place as dark as this, yeah?”


The birdkin fro the corners of their ether with the coachmen

“Hoh, already headin’ out?”

The soldier fro the youth and looking at him in puzzlement

It’s true, it was a little strange to think that so so much as a short break first

“I need to be heading out for my next job… can’t do much about it”

“Sounds rough”

Exchanging wry smiles, the youth stopped and turned around

“I hope you live a healthy life”

“Huh? Yeah, you too man”

Leaving behind his usual char smile, the youth set out

Unaware of what had happened behind the scenes, the hu sirl who’d lost her way

Just around that ti a meal with Frank on the branch’s third floor

She had her receptionist duties in the afternoon, so she could spend her ti on their journey to Akradist

Ilya saw Frank off as he headed to the arena for his patrol group and retired to her private room to take a breather

“Now… then”

When Ilya used [Clairvoyance] to check on the four after wondering how they were doing, they were squaring off against a divine beast

They didn’t seeed to succeed in restraining it, and it didn’t look like there was anything else around them

(They should be alright…)

Ilya felt relieved

It was at that moment


Hearing a hurried knock at her door, Ilya ended her [Clairvoyance] and went to the door

Rachelle was standing there, her face pale as she gripped on to Ilya’s clothes She was tre

“What’s wrong?”

“Monsters, at the arena…!”

Ilya doubted her ears

The monsters were supposed to have been transported over a little later due to the results of those experi released