Part 8 (1/2)
”It's vera good for fever,” he said soleer bones”
The boys looked up in dismay but were reassured by Mr Wallace's srin Burt put the question to the latter
”Palm-oil chop, sar! Chicken chop-chop, palood”
The boys cautiously sampled the concoction and found it to be new but not unpleasant Before they had been in the country another week they were vociferously de palm-oil chop from John every day The launch tied up at a plantation dock for the night and at daylight proceeded on her way
”hello!” exclaied froht it was in my outside pocket”
”What's bitin' you?” asked Burt with a rather sickly s in his pockets
”My coone!”
”Saered! My coin's all right!”
”What's theout and behind hie loss and Montenay frowned
”That's queer,” he said thoughtfully ”Mine's safe How's yours, Wallace?”
”Here” Mr Wallace produced his own silver-set compass from an inner pocket ”You've probably dropped 'em around the cabin, boys”
The two turned and vanished hastily but reappeared shaking their heads
The h a thorough search was made of the launch and men
”Na doot they were stolen,” said Captain Mac as they sat at breakfast
”These blacks will steal anythin' that ain't nailed down, an' they were prowlin' all about last night Well, we'll get new ones at Makupa froht”
”It's decidedly queer, Montenay!” Mr Wallace looked out over the river with a perplexed frown ”Why should these two co else in the cabin was touched? I don't like it”
”Ye knohat ju-ju is, o' course?” Captain Mac leaned back easily in his chair as the American explorer nodded ”The Bantus think compasses are ju-ju”
”What's that?” asked Critch
”Anything they don't understand and that savors of witchcraft or mystery is ju-ju,” explained Mr Wallace ”In that case, Montenay, our coe, eh?”
”Aye Let's get our business done with, Wallace” Montenay deftly rolled himself a quinine capsule and sed it ”What d'ye say? Shall we combine or no?”
”I don't see e shouldn't,” returned Mr Wallace thoughtfully
”We're both after ivory One caravan will cut down expenses for each of us You're not sure aboutthe Makua with us?”