Part 4 (1/2)
For the next week the question of the African trip was left undecided
When Burt had received his definite announcement of the scholarshi+p, dependent on his next year's work, Mr Wallace urged that the ht to a decision one way or the other On the following Saturday evening Mr Critchfield and Howard arrived at the St John residence and the ”Board of Directors went into executive session,” as the explorer laughingly said
”There's one thing to be considered,” announced Mr Critchfield ”That's the length of your absence Next year is Howard's last year in high school and I wouldn't like his course to be smashed up” Mr St John nodded approval and all looked at Mr Wallace expectantly
”I anticipated that,” he replied quietly ”I saw Mr Garwood, the superintendent of schools, yesterday I told him just anted to do and asked hiin till the twentieth of September He said if you boys were back by November and could make up a reasonable a to your good records I'm fairly confident that we'll be back by November”
”I don't see how,” interposed Mr St John ”I've been reading up on Stanley's journeys in that country and--”
”Hold on!” laughed Mr Wallace ”Please rehties--nearly thirty-five years ago Where it took hio in hours and days This is the end of June By the first of August we'll be steao I don't think it'll take us two months to cross from the Aruwimi to the Makua and reach French territories In any case, I intend to return direct froo We'll co in a French steao and there'll be a stea us and our stuff direct to New York I'm almost sure we'll be back by November”
”Even if we aren't,” put in Howard, ”it'll only throw us out half a se they do miss connections, Critchfield,” said Mr St John, ”I wouldn't worry It is a great thing for the boys and perhaps an extra sixback”
”I guess it's up to you, Etta!” laughed Mr Wallace ”What do you say?
Yes or no?”
As Burt said afterward, ”I came so near havin' heart failure for a minute that I could see the funeral procession” Mrs St John hesitated, her head on her hand Then looking up, her eye met Burt's and she smiled
”Hurray!” Critch joined Burt in a shout of delight, while the latter gave his ratitude
”I don't knoe'll do here without you,” she continued when freed
”When will you start, George?”
”Since we have to be back by Nove and catch the _Carht for accommodations”
”Monday!” cried Mr St John in aet the boys outfits or pack their trunks, or--”
”We don't want outfits or trunks, eh, Burt?” s, Toht out for anywhere on earth in an hour That's e'll do Wear a decent suit of clothes, boys, and take a few changes of linen We'll reach Liverpool Friday night and London on Saturday We'll get the outfits there, and if we hustle we can pick up one of the African Steamshi+p Company's steamers Tuesday or Wednesday”
”But your book?” asked Mrs St John ”Is that finished?”
”Bother the book!” ejaculated her brother iht and if the publishers don't like it they can change it around to suit the to leave New York Tuesdayrain or shi+ne!”
”That's the way to talk!” shouted Burt, wildly excited ”Good for you,you back a lion skin for your den, dad!”
Had Burt been able to foresee just what lion skin he would bring back and what he would pass through before he got it he ht not have been so enthusiastic over the prospect of his African trip