Part 2 (1/2)
”Nonsense!” snorted the explorer ”What the boy needs is soet all about his books for six reed his sister thoughtfully
”Perhaps if I took hiht there!” interrupted the explorer ”Take his and lead hih-class grub? Nonsense! If you want hiive hio Don't baby him! Give him a chance to develop his own resources Guess you didn't have any indulgent papa, Tom! All the boy wants is a chance Why won't you let hie!” cautioned his sister, s at the outburst ”You know perfectly well that I don't wantwild He's all we have, and we intend to take care of hiht here not to put any of your notions into his head It's bad enough to have one fahed and winked at Mr St John, as enjoying the discussion froar smoke At this, however, he cae is perfectly right, Etta Burt needs to shi+ft for himself a bit, and I think the Kennebec trip will be just the thing for hiive him a free hand and let hin countries all alone”
”Look here, Tom” Mr Wallace leaned forward and spoke very earnestly
”That kind of a vacation isn't worthhe has earned, not so that's shoved at hiood time He'll enjoy it twice asthat will repay hiive hi to absorb him Think it over!”
The conversation ended there for the night Mr Wallace was satisfied that he had sown good seed, however, and went up to Burt's roo up his chair and flinging hi to the folks yet?”
”A little We'll have to go slow, re up skins and taking thehtful owners?”
”Me? Not a whole lot Let's see I helped Critch skin an' , sohed Mr Wallace ”That's not what Iabout horned animals?”
”No,” adh So's Critch”
”Suppose you had a deer's horns to take off How'd you do it?”
”Take his skin off by cuttin' straight down the breast to the tail,”
replied Burt pro an'
turn him inside out For the horns you make a cut between 'em, then back down the neck a little”
”Wouldn't you take his skull?” questioned Mr Wallace
”Sure! I forgot that You'd have to cut between the lids and eye-sockets down to the lips an' cut these from the bone For the skull, cut her off and boil her”
”Pretty good!” coht How'd you do in Africa about the skin?”
”Nothing,” grinned Burt ”'Cording to your books you just salt 'ehed his uncle ”Get those rabbits done up?”
”You bet!” Burt made a wry face ”We rubbed them with arsenic That's about the only stuff that'll hold theh--or Critch does We've done lots of birds for a dollar each, and we got five for Chuck's bulldog”
”I wish you'd take ht if you've nothing special on,” replied Mr Wallace ”I'd like to have a little chat with hi?”