89 Class Rep in a Nutshell (1/2)

”It is a great mystery to me how the problems of others seem like simple arithmetic while my own appear as complicated as a calculus equation.”

-Richelle E. Goodrich

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”Are these all?” I asked the guide. Well, I did not mean to sound like I'm some merchant in a multiverse slave trade. I'm against slavery for some cognizance... That just shows how bad I really am at communicating.

”Yes, sir.” Answered the guide... So overall, it's 67 huh... Honestly, I expected more, but seeing these low numbers must mean that the others were not that cheap to bait huh... Quite the epiphany I have here.

I don't know why, but my stomach also begins to hurt... It can't be hunger, as I'm feeling rather full for whatever reason there is, nor is it because of the ugly environment, and it better not be diarrhea... but, my best bet is it's because of being surrounded by these homo sapiens? And here I was earlier being surrounded by 'three million' Tarragons without feeling anything... Why the sociopath's symptoms now of all times? And is my physique really that proactive when dealing with multiple humanitarian presences? I sure do hope for it to be at bare minimum if that was the case.

But, snapping me out from my nauseous thoughts' reverie, the Anima who has beseech her life, for asking pardon, begins her main errand...

”Sorry for making you experience such despicable torments...Truly, I'm deeply sorry! I was commanded to lure you here... If I haven't my entire clan will be put to death... B-but I was foolish to believe their bargain... Please do forgive me.” Amadea, finds herself kneeling in the poignant and filthy looking floors of the torture chamber asking for forgiveness, even though personally, I think that there's no need.

Unfortunately, everyone's face was not willing to accept... And it's not even surprising. It's expected beyond any reasonable doubts.

While some of them- the demure types, were apparent as to how they forgive her, and that they can't just express it through words, there were some who have wielded some twisted pride.

That's why I recommended earlier not to force herself too much. Homo Sapiens' normies can be far sterner than you think they are. Oh and uh, you better find the correct definition of a 'Normie', because the internet memes are giving it a twist in meaning in the recent. In any case, if you've done something wrong and you have no plans on asking redemption, then they will spread it throughout the community that you're scum through their endless networks. If you, however, do find the resolve to give space and ask forgiveness, you'll also be the subject of their own superiority complex. See? And what I'm witnessing here proves that obsolete age-old theory...

Yet, out from the shadows, a voice suddenly disrupted the chain of the unforgiving...

”You were just tricked, right? Then we're on the same boat then...” Someone from the held captive suddenly spoke some words of solace, and that voice...it's very familiar.

”Don't worry about us Miss Amadea...We're fine as you can see, except for our clothes that is.”

The Anima, however, continued to bow down her face knowing through intuition that not all feels the same.

But, having the 'leader that they need' and the 'followers they are', it was only a matter of time before everyone's static faces begin to soften, slowly finding their pride nullified. It's 'Herd Mentality' at work, saying...

”R-right... We forgive you, miss Amadea. Please do stand up, it's making us uncomfortable. Kay?”

”We forgive you, and besides we got mysteriously healed from our blatant wounds. There were these red illuminated butterflies filling up the room earlier... and now look at the wounds. Not even a scar! I thought it was because we have no weapons, that's why we're still ineligible to pain, but I remembered that they gave us weapons for free and suddenly imprisoned us here. It was truly, a scary experience, but hey... We're fine.” A rather young-looking extrovert blurted out while helping the Anima rise up to her feet.

”Thank you all...” The Anima purely replied, with tears running down in her face while everyone else comforted her.

From whom was that familiar voice anyway? What a scary authority it has, Just by extrapolating some words, everyone else's harsh beliefs have been deemed impotent. Interesting innate talent indeed and it seemed to be coming from the other edge which I slowly approached...

Then from that same corner, who recently just got freed from his rather short chains, emerged, a stoic classmate... Daerenji Nakamura is his name if my memory does not fail me. The future class representative if not because of the extravagant deviation from the mundane and precedented plot. His voice, however, deserves to be praised. It's at an authoritarian level that can persuade anyone who hearkens and it's not supposed to be a revelation worthy of attention.