80 First Grand Masquerade (1/2)

”Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night.”

-Victor Hugo

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With all of that asked and done, using my thoughts act as a cursor, I then chose the second skillset presented... 'The Moon'... I have had always hated the moon, so maybe it can renew that old perspective.

And from there, the moment I clicked on the choice... I felt a massive en masse of power coming my way, even without any negative charisma and dark intents in plain sight... And then the three Celtic crosses, which Azazel calls as the 'Crossange Arsenal' begin to gush forth these jet-black bolts of lightning, and from it, this dark eclipse-colored minuscule cube begins to form in front of me, in the palms of my hands...

And it was not yonder, that I felt ready to let go of it...

”Azazel... Shall I say Kame-Hame-Ha?”

”Master, please don't” She answered as if her range of cringe databases is even interlinked with Earth's... Oh well...

I then released the eclipse-like cube from my hand and it drifted in the cramped 'now-dark' space and it was then, that it came in contact with one of the spaces' ends and from there, it explodes in an outward direction to this brutal beam of darkness, quickly disintegrating a part of that sealing place without fail... And it was then that the sky becomes clearly seen again, but still being enshrouded by the giant beam of darkness.

As the dark beam ceased, I then trend my foot outside and saw how deformed the tool the priest used to seal me prior. It really was an iron maiden with spikes on the inside that could have killed me and failed for reasons unknown...It surprised me though. It was only about my size, but inside it felt more spacious than how cramped it really looks like in the actual scenes.

”Okaerinasai! Oni-chama!” A familiar voice, but coalesced with this second more mature tone then came into me... I looked up, and there Shiro is, soaring mid-air with a pair of butterfly wings which took the color of blood... She recognized me instantly as if I haven't had undergone any changes.

”Yow Shiro...” I greeted back waving my hand, but with the same deadpan expression which the kid could have grown accustomed to by now. Flapping her bloody wings and pointing her red scythe away, she then hastily came to me with the same cheerful smile...How refreshing.

”Are you okay Shiro? What happened?” I asked while looking around marveling at the apparent coinage.

There were lots of changes, that I would like to ask Shiro how it happened after this... In her hands was a weirdly long scythe. Even Her hair, her eyes, her dual-toned voice, and even her garments, looked different. It's very very... red. Well, regardless... I know it's her.

And in front of us, was not the battlefield that I set prior I got sealed... And heck, it would even be frivolous to call it a sinister forest now. It's all plain with burnt grass and an array of which I would like to define as ponds of red wines (which clearly isn't). Some of the mountains on the surroundings were even deformed... And a meter away from us was the aforementioned beheaded Gorgon, Euryale herself, unresponsive which was remotely scanned by Azazel beforehand.

And the moon... It was not how it was always been... It's now tainted with crimson and is in a state of an eclipse, with the disk-like shadow on the center having the same color of my obsidian crosses...The visage is, for me, more beautiful than beholding the original mundane one of silver which always spelled the most demented situations for me, even as a kid...