68 Unseen Chains (2/2)
”Tsk! You're really gonna die you a-hole!”
”That kid, whom you're up against...”
”I was wrong! He does not only control the shadows but he-”
Too late for an urgent realization there, monsieur...
And then, just like with the Herscher of Cheshire cat, out of the big guy's self-generated negative charisma that started to gush forth the moment I removed the amulet from him, that I, again formed out bleak and controlling chains from it, but larger and more durable. I can't know for sure what these 'Tarragons' are capable of doing so I must elevate the chain's tenacity.
And then, the binding-Jutsu... Sorry though, I won't have any spare time to let you show off what your savage-looking greatsword is capable of doing at its hundred percent.
”WHA? WHAT IS THIS? SOMETHING'S GRABBING ME!”, the unseen shackles formed, strangling him with knit-tight grips, as his own malice also begins to vigorously crunch him, without even seeing it. How unfortunate.
Then as though the chains are mechanized to spell more gripping power, the heavy armor in his equipment began to bend and his breathing is slowly but assuredly decelerated, with the self-proclaimed hero unable to move at all, groveling on the ground losing touch of his weapon
”As they say back in my world, old man... Arrogance is a frightening thing whose tomorrow is dark... And by 'dark', you've already lost, by default.”
”TSK... YOU LITTLE.” the air-deprived man had the courage to talked back but still with the apparent affliction and as his own generated hatred and grudge for me increases by each second, the more the tightness of the unseen chains multiply by a viable degree.
”I would recommend you, as of now, to empty your mind... Or else, you'll really gonna die.” I said, but the old man's brain is all muscles that it did not comprehend. Not a single word.
”Sire!” With ardent worries, his loyal lackeys then also began to hurriedly go towards him. It seems that they never learned their lesson. Whatever... I need to stop them if I want a clean sweatless victory.
”Sir! Please do use my soul!”
”It would be our dying pleasure sir?”
Say what? Are they really going that far as to serve this guy with muscles for a brain? Knowing that letting them come any closer to the guy would somehow spell a headache for me, I intervened...
”Opsie Dopsie... I can't let you pass, 'knights in shining armor.” I hindered them intentionally.
”Get out of our way!!” Taken on by the thoughts of worries as they see their master suffering from an unseen bind, they aspired to kill me, drawing out their weapons of which some, where very powerful-looking spear, sword, and even maces. Just how loyal can they be to this abominable and flamboyant hero?
”I get your chevalier characteristics, but is this supposed to be an act of a party of 'assassins'? Using such cheap tricks head-on and not resorting to sneak attacks would only spell death. You all know that better than a novice like me right?” I downright disparaged them while I dodge their attacks like its nothing, throwing my pen to a much safer direction and then teleporting there without known delays. Almost like Minato Namikaze at this moment, but not with a Kunai, and instead... a common world pen.
I never knew that darkness has this undeniably ardent speed in transportation. Well if light can do it, then there's no way that darkness cannot and while there's no such scientific 'speed of darkness', there is this fact, stating that 'Dark Matters' do have a speed of 54 meters per second... Not that genuine for an explanation, bet yeah... fair enough.