66 Overly Reckless Hero (1/2)
”Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.”
- Terry Pratchett
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The sundown took its fruition hereby disappearing from our sights completely, and in exchange is dusk and the abnormal quick rising of the moon, with winds blowing forth causing these melodramatic noises on the surrounding still trees' leaves. The surrounding visage is somehow stale, if not with its coalescence with the stench from the freshly-killed monsters everywhere.
Shiro, who is their main prey, hid on my back while I stand corrected to move, facing the humanoid foes with the ever-confident prance.
”Yow! Would you give us the little girl?” the priestly guy above us started exclaiming, as he and his companions took flight into the clear night skies with their robes as their main magical tool for flying.
”Yow! Such a very nice way to greet someone who just arrived from someplace else!”
”Eh...Did you like it? Thanks! That's very nice of you to accept our 'warmest' welcomes! We are indeed very hospitable. Now, please do hand over the little girl and you can go explore to your heart's content.”
”Such unpretentious and direct demi-human. Why would I? And who are you supposed to be?” I replied, in a very assertive manner with an impassive physiognomy, while the little girl on my back who is their main target held into my uniform, tightly as ever.
”Ahh, do pardon. I thought you already know my name! After all, you were eavesdropping on us a while ago.”
”Hmmm...First of all, It was not nice of you to tail us around while luring the monsters in. Now tell me, which is a more punishable crime?” I backslashed while radiating the same sober expression.
”Alas! So you already know of that one! Ahahahaha. What a high espionage skill indeed... As for the answer to your question, let me introduce who we are, new-comer. We are the assassination party of a little Kingdom, opposite here. And I am Deinsleif, the priest and the spokesperson of the team, and this hot-blooded guy you saw earlier is our kingdom's reckless hero of renown... Berserker Count Joberwock Roswald.”
”TSSS... You could have explained more of my greatness.” The big guy who said about his 'anti-withdrawal ideals' just moments ago clicked his tongue in annoyance.
”You see? 'Short-tempered'... And I'll say this as many times as I would. Would you, give us the little kid?” the priest added.
What's with this rather rush and constraining request?... They know for themselves that there's no way I'm giving up Shiro to some strangers who endeavored to kill us. They can even send an Earl rather than this ranked nobility count if they want to, but still, no can do.
”There's no use wasting the time of your kingdom's hero so I'll catch to the chase. No” I declared.
”Hmmm... Now, this might be bad. We need the Kurenai for certain needs and if you have no intention in handing her quietly-peacefully, brute-force would be used, monsieur..”
”I know very well. The same goes for all of you. If you refuse to leave us alone, yes...brute force would be, without a doubt, used.” I replied with a little hostility added to my once deadpan demeanor.
”How interesting. I never knew that the second realm's most superior entities are these much well-rounded. Hmm. Nice. Very well, but are you sure? There are like 20 of us you know, the most feared assassins among these parts, and who this party up against is you... a mere human from the second realm who got invited by a certain deity who took a liking to you.”
Oh, so they do know of the ongoing war.
”Hmmm... That is indeed underhanded, but yeah I can tolerate.” I replied to his inadequate threats of me being numerously surmounted. Then suddenly...
”As I have told you, Mr. Hero, it's dangerous to fight someone like him alone. Especially at night like this. You saw how his power made all of the surrounding monsters feeble.” an argument between the priest and the hero begins to spark.
”Here we go again... As you wish, you overly reckless hero... That guy standing in opposition can control the shadows at will. The only limit is his ability to imagine as to what shape does he want the shadows to take.”
”Look I appreciate you know that much about my power but, controlling shadows? Mind you, that's not even a quarter of my paradigm.” As a response to the belittlement, I sent back the threat. I'm a legitimate pursuant of equality after all.
”BIG WORDS YOU GOT THEIR KID... HEY PRIEST HOLD ON TO THIS FOR ME!”, he then quickly wore off his robe, throwing it to the overbearing priest's defenseless face and coming down to the ground with his epic entrance, which is not really that epic...
As though jumping from the heavens, he fell off towards our front giving off this vibration going on into the ground and there is smoke everywhere from the heavy impact of his jumping. Everyone in his group followed him, making their individual heels meet the surreal dusty terra firma.
Then, as the smoke started to rescind, the uncovered demeanor of the Count Jobberwock Roswald then became apparent. He looked very big when he wore the white robe prior, but I was somehow mistaken. If I were to describe his physique, it's probably your typical earthly body-builder, yet, what made him appear like he is entirely made up of muscles is his heavy-looking armor and his rather giant sword placed at his back. His face also showed his middle age with the usual scar on the left eye, for the cliched vibe... and just like the priest, he also has two horns in his forehead which have bright-red color on both of each point.
”LET'S DANCE KID... I'LL BE TAKING THE LITTLE GIRL WITH ME.” He spouted while holding his two-handed greatsword which has an animal's skull on the center and with blades that looked like it was harnessed from a backbone of a large creature... beckoning that he is ready to engage anytime at his discretion.
”Good luck hero...” the priest, who introduced himself as 'Deinsleif' mocked him by giving that unenthusiastic and dead good-luck dogma.
”Huh? Oh, it's hight here...”, I then let out of my humble pen from one of my pockets.
”SERIOUSLY GAH GAH GAH! Hoi! Give this kid a weapon!!”
”There's no need”