64 Unforeseen Incursion (1/2)
”Be alert and be sober of mind. Your enemy, the devil roars like a devouring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
- Bible | 1 Peter 5:8
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After that, we took our first steps towards the dark forest... Along the way, we slew different slimes. They are aggressive compared to those that are exposed outside who genuinely played with Shiro, which leads me to this conclusion that staying in the dark really does have an adverse effect... Not that I could care.
As we go deeper, the monsters get larger and palpably stronger. Now, we are on our guards... I know where the monsters are coming from, while Shiro has this innate talent to utilize the mythical weapon in hand. With such a combo, I point out to Shiro where to aim Grendel next and she'd do the slaying. I feel like a MAFIA boss now, wrongfully exploiting juveniles to do the dirty work, but I can't let this kid stay in warfare without any vivid experience. She needs every experience that she can get as early as possible as I act this optimistic hero-cameo protecting her from any scene of the inevitable brutality. hat, simply won't do.
In every throw of the chakram, it's not just the monsters who get slashed to half, but also some of the age-old trees that are peacefully standing on the background. I now think there's nothing that this weapon can't sever... not at this caliber.
Next, we fought, an unpredictable monster... A rabbit taking the size of a grizzly bear with both ears long enough to touch the ground. At first, it presented itself as a cute and adorable white life-sized teddy bear, but Shiro is cautious enough to unhesitantly kill it the moment it stepped closer to us.
As it received its first dent of wounds, whilst quickly evading the full impact the chakram could have caused, it uncovered its true colors, which is very much a stereotype. It's fur suddenly began to metamorphose to red-colored and its eyes began to take a different shape and its steamy mouth opened to an extent that made it look like the Marvel villain, Venom, but uhm... the rabbit-version.
It's fast to boot, probably on par with the speed of Grendel's chakram form...given that it is not able to gain proper momentum due to too much resistance along the way... no winds, no vast space, not to mention it has to bump into some trees at some point slashing it with a clean cut. Oh, well, I can just do this. No cringe balderdash this time.
As the red rabbit stepped in one of the shadows in pursuit for us, I took hold of its feet using my paradigm's binding ability to immobile it, and for Shiro to have a clear target. Then, seeing how vulnerable the target is, Shiro using Grendel, slew the monster and hacked through the monster's insides that made its repulsive guts spill all over the ground.
Shiro is looking tired for all of that throwing that operates through her dexterity and control over the weapon. And as I'm about to suggest that we need to take a rest, she thought the otherwise, and still is willing to continue.
”Here, some water...” I handed out a bottle from the bag.
”Arigatou, Oni-chama!”
With as little as few gulps for rehydration we then continued, but this time, I'll make the workload lighter. I just can't let a kid, suddenly become my bodyguard or some sort.
Bigger and more aggressive slimes. Red Rabbits that want our flesh for dinner awaited us.
With every appearing monster, I take hold of it, using any dark means. Whether it be by the shadows that the trees have been giving off, or just by simply manipulating their insatiable dark intent, and then Shiro would deal the first and the last hit, with every average-looking monster not surviving the first throw. Shiro seeing my rather bleak manipulative ability, and sensing that it's probably;y my doing, asked all of a sudden...
”Oni-chama, is that your paradigm?”
”Yes. It's to control anything that is black into anything that I want it to be”
”Woaaahhh!! So that's why Lacrimosa onee-chan gets along with you.”
”Really? Maybe. Ahahaha” Although, I know that the case is in a completely different field.