58 Re: Zero (1/2)

”Start from Zero. And reset to Zero. Life is but an amaranth circle. ”

-Subrata Karmakar

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After the Re: Characterization process took its fruition, we closed our PI's inlaid platforms, in front of our field of vision.

Everyone then showed realistic vigor in assessing their decision, if they did, in fact, choose the correct Paradigms for themselves with choices to choose from of merely infinite. I presume, the otakus also are in a special baffling case. Why? Because it's usually at times like these that they will find themselves striving in a deep mud of options all for the sake of obtaining a quirky paradigm while still looking drafty.

It's fundamentally like a game's character creation, where most of them would spend an hour or two before they can decide for one. Sadly, not much time has been allocated for this so-called Re: Characterization, and in it was not the ubiquitous feat. It's not a means of us to defrag any of our physiques, it's merely just a process to condone our eligibility to now be able to descend to this path untravelled, of having our so-called 'Paradigms' and 'Paradigm Shifts' which outmaneuvers natural laws at will, given that retribution stands so at the end. Unfortunately, for those enthusiastic bunch, it's now but the point where 'What if I' questions boggle their mind to no end. Moreover, for the contended me, I find myself beginning to be busy in the opposite direction. Yet, why do I know all of this? Simple. I've been there, but at a much mediocre extent.

I then found myself reopening a portal which again leads to that dark minimalistic realm together both Shiro who frantically bid the slimes she was cheerfully playing with earlier, farewell.


”How's the arrival?”

”From 300k to now 10k... Quite the drastic change right?”

”First few hours and already losing such numbers is quite the significance. I'm highly acquainted with 'human enervation' but it never ceases to amuse me... So why are you here?”, asked a goddess whose fragrance made it seem that she was again disturbed from one of her precious bath time.

”And I wonder who planned the creation of such 'enervative entities'?” I sarcastically asked with a face that spelled 'Did you forgot that they were brought here impromptu?'.

”As to your question... It's just as planned”, I answered her in the same deadpan expression as the kid beside me began to wander her eyes in the realm to and fro looking if Mr. Pegasus-san is there. The goddess, as though knowing what Shiro wants, summoned another one, as playful and as majestic as before.

I then laid Shiro in its back and once again, they found themselves playing on the vast space and amidst the crystal chandeliers drifting without any known foundation.

”Hm... Right, but I would appreciate it if you would stop forcing yourself into someone else's room. Especially when they're taking a bath. Kono Ecchi”

”As if... Now, it makes me wonder, do you have anything else to do besides bathing in here?”

”Oh, there are many. Want me to show you?” Answered the Goddess as she sat down again on her peculiar throne at the epicenter of the realm.

”No thanks.”

”Still as direct as ever...So, what do you think of the third realm?”

”You seriously asking me that? You know that it hasn't been that long before the first steps, right?”

”Certainly. You're not obliged to answer that, for now at least... So why are you here again?”