51 Elegance (1/2)
”We don't create a fantasy world to escape reality. We create it to be able to stay.”
-Lynda Barry
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International Clark City. An artificially made island in the vast pacific made through the various aid of countries. It was to be the pedestal and the very symbol of humanity's 'ever-evolving' state. It boasts facilities and skyscrapers with 50 floors on average, that could withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8 without a dent. Brought forth sectors designed to offer quality life to its denizens. And in the center, stood the towering city hall and a few blocks away was the university I was supposed to attend while attaining a mundane life of gray. It was truly an innovation that the joining countries can be very proud of.
It was, the 'Re-emergence of Eden', so the media says, but in a modern context. It was intendedly created to be the rich epitome of continental connections and economic trades...yet, the deities have had already made an alternative plan to utilize the island in the worst case possible. And to make it even worse, this Viscount figure hastened the plan up, even dragging others along without their approval.
And, here it is now. In a truly ironic situation.
The viscount figure, Celes called 'End', summoned a giant grotesque titan out of nowhere and literally transported us here like it was a mere warm-up, like carrying a kid's dollhouse to a new table, killing many on the process. It was then that the so-called Garden of Eden 2.0 found itself in a world that none of us knew.
As we were still on the dominance of the island, receiving instructions, being acquainted with the rules and receiving explanations of what is really happening, with some dying, confused and hopeless, we never did have the chance to look out of our windows of the vast buildings to see what this new world looked like...rather, we took time, assessing the situation in irrationality and useless arguments which even made the majority attend a cult with one goal. 'Die together, we will wake up unscathed on Earth. This is just a nightmare'. So, they thought and disparagingly ignored how consequential this really is, as warned beforehand.
Prior, we were instructed to prepare, and that the island, the moment we are to move out will once again be sealed with divine jurisdiction and will only re-open the moment a victor has been decided.
And now, it happened. The time has come for us to bid the city farewell and say our best regards to the new life that awaits outside. A life where killing is the newest norm.
The giant and bleak looking gate, intended for us in favor of Damnation for mankind(Except, I never did favor anything from the get-go), opened and the first glimpse of the outside world was rather menacing and yet, what's clear was that we are to travel this rather long bridge in a thick mist without a lucid destination.
But, fortunately, nature wanted us to have the greatest 'second' impression of the realm...
A dragon-shaped avian flapped its heavy wings mightily as it hovered above us with scales as black as charcoal and with a fiery tail as red as vermillion, clearing the mist that engulfed us which was prior a hindrance of getting a clearer view. Yet little did we know, that the mists were but an additional aspect that would set up the mood for our first legit glimpse to the unknown...in this surreal realm that the deities called, the ”NÆthervale”...A haven yet to be tarnished by the insatiable stupidity of men.
If I were to apparently describe how everyone felt as they took their first few clear glimpses beyond the city gates, it was this word. It's not even enough to fully paint the image. Some stood speechless of what they are seeing, some wished that the deceased were here to see this too, with tears about to burst, while the vast majority was unable to hold in the excitement of seeing the endearing visage, which was apparent in their facades, especially Shiro, who's eyes has been sparkling for quite some time now.
The soon out-of-access city then closed the gate we used, with an unseen hand. It was the first time that everybody knew, that now, it finally starts.
First, as I speculated on the future impact that this warfare is to cause, I am saying my humblest apology to every biological species in this area. They are soon to taste what hell is like. Yet, in all of my negative foreshadowing of the future, everyone's face spelled a different vibe...A vibe of being rejuvenated. They better not forget that all of them on this side chose the Armada that wants to spell the end of 'Mankind', the pessimistic ones that abandoned all hope, and that, seeing something like this, would never change the fact that we are here to kill each other.
”Are the others seeing this as well?” I self-questioned, wondering how the other 300,000 plus who chose the opposing team is doing. Well, in that number, which is approximately 30k percent more than us, they should be fine at least.